May 10, 2009 23:49
Buuuuuuuuuuut I feel like typing.
Last week was interesting. I picked up the extra 10 hours Sunday night, and figured that would get me overtime. Between Sunday and Monday I had 3 other people cancel out during the week, dropping out 8.75 other hours lol. So I ended up balancing out for taking the extra hours.. good thing I did the other overnight!
Friday was me and Nates 6 year anniversary of ..being a couple. Looooooong time. The first few years it was like a big deal because we felt young(er) and it's not that common for younger people to stay in a relationship that long, and now it feels like...well, almost like any other day lol. But it was nice. I got out of work before Nate so I picked up some groceries and some drinks and prepared us a nice dinner for when he got home. Rubbed his feet after a long took 6 years to realize it's the little things that count. Like foot rubs. But I prefer back scratches and he knows that :). Anyways we were going to plan on doing something Tuesday since it's our day off, but the weather doesn't seem to agree. Looks like this week will be in the 60's and rainy. Our plans were for a nice picnic in Stanley park (it's been like 4 years since we've gotten chased by the geese there) and usually that involves sunny warm weather. So we'll wait.
This paragraph will be dedicated to some movies so, *SPOILER ALERT* just fyi.
Nate and I watched No Country For Old Men the other night. Not too long ago we also watched Slumdog Millionaire and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Each movie won awards and got great reviews and a bunch of other things. I'm trying to figure out why.. lol. I mean, they were good... but for that good of praise I expect to be blown off my feet. I spent half the time during No Country cringing at dead people and jumping as loud gunshots rang through the reciever. And that's pretty much all there is to that movie lol. Slumdog.. was good. But it was too simple of a plot for me- how did a kid know the answers to all the questions of a stupid game show? Because he lived a poor life. Lol. And Button. Well.. it was long. We actually had to watch it twice cuz Nate fell asleep. I almost did. Basically the life of a person. Big deal. Big deal? I suppose if everybody was born old and died a baby then this would be the norm. Just tape someones life and play it in reverse. Maybe I'm missing something lol but these movies weren't spectacular. Annnnnnnyyyyywayyyyyyyyys.
I ran out of Dresden books, am waiting on DeMille and Stephanie Plum books, so I picked up some books by John Grisham, because I remembered liking the movies. Got The Rainmaker, The Client, and The Firm. Reading the books makes you realize how little the movie covers. Of course this is necessary because if every detail from the books was in the movies then the movies would be 8 hours long. This means the books are also so much better, and I really enjoyed reading Grisham. Might pick up a few more, but they are all law/trial/lawyer related (though very different from eachother) so I might need a different topic soon. The only time that I think I've liked a movie better was actually The Lord of The Rings series. And that's beause I shoulda realized that if ONE of the movies was shortened to be 3 hours long, the book is much much longer. And I picked up the Hobbit and it's way too long and detailed :P.
Have to be up for work in less than 7 hours, should get some sleep. Nighty night!