Mar 06, 2008 15:13
'I told them you were planning on coking up before work and they told me I was crazy. I'm not crazy, I know what you do before work.'
Leave it to me roommate to keep my image sparkling at work. What's ironic, is that if I were a big snitch, I have reason to get almost every single employee canned. Really. I'm pretty sure I am the only one that refrains from participating in any illegal or totally unhealthy activity. Much less on the job. Gotta love drug free. And yet, we all still bond relatively well.
My favorite part was when my new assistent GM tried telling one of my best friends in an interview that, 'everyone gets along' and that management is 'really friendly'. HAH, I say. HAH.
There's really only one person I can't stand working with anymore, because he's the lowliest scum on the planet, maybe in the universe. I lack any respect, or even subtle feelings of kindness towards him. He's a total dirtbag skeeze.
Any-hoo. I joined a gym, and now I hurt. They have a lot of fun things there, last night we had fun with the thing you run on that I can't remember the name of now, and then the lower body machines. We're going to try out a healthy balance of cardio and everything else five days a week. I'll update you on how that works. I already feel wabble. The best part about working out with someone else though is that pride overrides any feelings of quitting early. I always have to do better.
Talk to you later,