Allie and Will cont.

Jun 24, 2008 08:46

William Joseph Kenneth Theodore Young and Allison Lee Catherine Frances Hilbig (my sister likes names I guess) are two of the greatest people I've ever known, and they're only 3 and 2  years old. They've taught me patience, understanding, how to reign in my anger, compassion, and how to carry about 100 different things at once. When I look in their eyes I see innocence and a love so pure and real that I could never stay mad at either of them.  I've never ran so fast than I do when I think one of them could get or are hurt.

William is very smart and creative, he loves doing puzzles and once he figures out where the pieces go he put the puzzle together in a snap. He's also gotten into repeating most everything he hears which can be both adorable and incredibly frustrating at the same time. He doesn't forget much either, I showed him and Allie the Chinese zodiac around new years and pointed out Grandma's, Grandpa's, Rachel's, Mommy's, Daddy's, Allie's, Will's and Becky's sign and about half hour later he was able to tell my mother exactly what everyone's sign was.  It was especially amazing when I showed them again a couple of weeks ago, but this time I only pointed out mine, Allie's and Will's. Yet as they were leaving an hour or so later Will repeated what sign we were and then told us all very matter-of-factly that mommy was a rat. At first I thought it was hilarious that he would think my sister was a rat but when I looked at the Zodiac calender again I noticed that Lisa was in fact born the year of the rat and somehow William had remembered from January.

Allison is so much like me it's almost scary, she's adventurous, fearless and very energetic. After chasing after her for the day I am wiped, but luckily I tend not to have to actually chase her because unlike Will she sticks by me. It's the greatest thing in the world when the kids come over and the first thing out of William's mouth is "Grandma!" and the first thing out of Allie's mouth is "Where's Becky?" I'm floored that she adores me as much as I do her. Although the next word out of her mouth is more often than not, trampoline.

You see I bought a trampoline off of my friend a few years ago for my baby sister's grade 8 graduation present which is now set up perfectly in the backyard where our old swing set and my old apple tree used to be. The kids think it's the greatest thing, an have been going on it, assisted of course, for about a year now. I usually have to be up on it with Allie as she can't really stay in an upright standing position for long. They could jump for hours on end if I'd let them, I just get to tired to fast. Once when we were all jumping and singing "No more monkeys jumping on the bed" I could have sworn I heard Will say no more junkies, so I asked him, huge mistake. Now everytime we go on that thing he starts singing "No more junkies jumping on the bed" and even when I try to correct him I'm laughing so I know he'll never take my chastising seriously. When you get right down to it though, I do like the idea that there will no longer be bed jumping drug addicts once William gets his way.

trampoline, children, will, allie

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