Fairly bored

Jun 04, 2008 09:26

As is the norm in my life, I have been awake for 22 hours, on the computer yet again.
I'm not exactly sure whether I'm up because I'm on the computer or if I'm simply on the computer because I'm awake. Either way, doesn't exactly matter, does it? The point is, I'm up.
I suppose I'll use today to do something productive, outside of the house that is, it's calling for a warm day, around 17 °C, so it shouldn't  be hard to get out there.  Of course that'll be after the kids leave, which will probably be around 1pm or so, my sister Lisa (their mother) is going golfing for the first time with her bf Shayne. Oh, what I wouldn't give to be there when she takes that first shot and then again when she takes the inevitable 80th shot before hitting the ball successfully off the tee. Well, that is an exaggeration of sorts of course, but it's probably closer to the truth than she'd like to think. I wish her luck at the game, but I especially wish Shayne all the patience necessary  to actually finish a game, but I digress. 
The kids will be over shortly actually, but while I await their arrival I guess I should write a bit about my little niece and nephew, but first an adorable picture.

Alright, so it isn't the best nor most recent photo but my scanner seems to be down at the moment so it'll have to do, besides they basically look the same even thought said photo was taken in October of last year.
The little boy is William, he's 3 1/2 now and will be going to kindergarten in the fall of this year as he will be 4 come November 3rd.
The little girl is Allison, she's 2 1/2 and will be turning 3 on November 20th.
God, how time flies, I can't believe how fast they've grown, seems like just yesterday I found out my sister was pregnant with William, and now he'll be starting school in September.  He's so psyched for it too, he's enrolled in the same school I,  my sister Lisa, our baby sister Rachel, and Shayne all went to, St. Anthony's School. Which conveniently  is actually right around the block from where I, my sister Rachel and our parents live, making it quite easy for Will to have lunch with us. However since  Lisa and Shayne live in Tiverton  (about  10 min outside Kincardine, my town) so William will be taking the bus, a huge step for a 3 year old.
We are constantly asking him about school, and he is always happy to discuss the subject with us, even Allison is getting in on the fun. She has one of those weird magnetic note pad things, you know with the black magnetic particles under a sheet of plastic and a plastic pen with a metal tip that attracts the particles so that words and shapes can be formed. Anyway, she carries it around and says it's her homework, she'll also put it in her little pink backpack which we picked up at a garage sale and she adores. She put the backpack on, with her "notepad" and a few select toys inside, puts on her shoes and hat then proceeds to go around the house telling everyone she's off to school and giving kiss n' hugs before she ultimately goes either onto the couch or into a corner of the living room. There she takes out her toys and notepad and begins to "do her homework" by scribbling, afterward showing everyone her great work.

Oops well it looks like their finally here, guess I'll finish my loving rant on two of the largest pieces of my heart later.
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