Aug 14, 2004 09:51
Ah, now we're getting to the root of things. Yes, it's true, I do say 'shoe' a lot, but blissfully I don't write it in every sentence. I've been wondering for years why I say it...I just can't figure it out. It's quite annoying really. Things have been suggested, like that it's some unknown hex that hasn't worn off yet, or that it's some experiment of my potion-making uncle gone wrong (he's quite old) - or even that it's the cause of some childhood trauma that I don't remember and nobody knows about. I really don't know, and neither do my parents. My very first word was 'shoe', so it couldn't have been the childhood trauma thing. Fred and George think it's very funny, and they tease me a bit, but in a good way. Oliver thought it was a bit odd at first, but he's gotten used to it and gives me a soft smile every time I say it - which is in every sentence...
The only time I don't say 'shoe' when I'm talking is when I say 'Peskipiksi Pesternomi' 10 times in a row. And I can say it really fast without messing it up. Fred and I competed once and I won, of course. He couldn't say it three times without it sounding 'Pexipiski Pesteroni' - which is NOT how you say it! How can I say it? I don't know, it's just a very rare gift, that's all. It may come in handy if a swirm of Cornish Pixies ever attack.
Yes, Bowtucles are my favourite creatures, although I wouldn't really call them animals. They're like little people! With hands and everything! Fred and George once decided to play a trick on Oliver, and somehow managed to get their hands on five bowtucles. As Oliver was polishing his broomstick in the broom shed, Fred and George opened the hatch and threw the poor little bowys through it. I was doing my homework in my dormitory when it happened, but Oliver sure can yell when he's angry!
When I was at Hogwarts, I, like most other girls, was very...experimental at one point... Alicia once came up to me and dared me to kiss her. I was very shy and told her no, but I was curious and kind of regretted it. Yes, I had a little *thing* for her after that (only for a little while), and she seemed all ready and willing, but I decided not to pUrsue it. Angelina... I knew that Fred had a crush on her at least for a year, and so I took one of George's dares to make a move on her. I had NO idea that it would work - I didn't even know she was that way. Actually, I didn't know what to do afterwards. Alicia wasn't happy, Fred wasn't happy and Oliver sulked the entire time, so I broke it off.
Oh, how I miss Hogwarts - shoe.
I thought the Harry Potter quizzes were getting a little...simple, so I created one (see my name as the creator of the quiz *puffs out*) and spiced it up a bit.