Jul 10, 2005 18:47
My body feels drained and exhausted. I don't realy have anything to say. Actually I have more than enough to say. Maybe if I just keep it inside rather that on the outside than that would prevent me from getting hurt by the world that would just judge me only because we are all simply human beings who each develop are own veiws and opinions. Thats just commom sense so fuck it. I am afraid of people. So afraid that I curl up into a little ball in a corner thinking so hard to myself that no-one sees me. Then I wonder if I was to get up who would push me back down for being "megan". Hyper and happy but they would laugh at me for being annoying. So I will stay in that corner curled up into a little ball and watch everyone through my eyes. Cry for the ones who slapped me with their words and feel their pain when someone trips them the way they tripped me. Live life down all of the roads...the druggy, the poor, the rich, the lonely and be every single one. So you can be different. You can be it all and as long as you stayed hidden from the selfish world that would stab you for their own happiness than they would never no what was there to be taken away. Love everyone but hate what comes along with it. If only everyone could see all of the tears being cried out of innocent eyes. Why waste me time being that when I could be helping them. GOODBYE. MY WORDS ARE FOR ME AND ONLY ME. BRANDON YOUR RIGHT.ABOUT MOST THINGS. I OWE YOU MORE THAN I EVER COULD GIVE. I LOVE YOU