Aug 15, 2010 09:06
I know that not many of you guys read my posts but I was wondering something. I have alot of fanfiction ideas and doubt that I will do anything with them, does anyone know what I should do with them? I really want them to get some use so if any of you would like one of the ideas or can tell me what to do with them please comment for me. I will list the various fandoms and pairings below just pick one. I only ask you link me to the story when your done.
PS- they are slash
Harry Potter
~~Remus/Harry (1 idea)
~~Draco/Harry (1 idea)
~~Severus/Harry (2 idea)
~~Lucius/Harry (3 idea)
~~Kurt/Puck (5 idea)
~~Kurt/Finn (2 idea)
~~Kurt/Jacob (1 idea)
~~Kurt/Burt (1 idea)
~~Kurt/Fashion (!Crack) (1 idea)
~~Kurt/Will (1 idea)
~~Kurt/Sam (2 idea)
~~Kurt/Sam/Puck (1 idea)
~~Xander/Spike (1 idea)
~~Xander/Angel (1 idea)
~~Xander/Angel/Spike (1 idea)
~~Xander/Giles (1 idea)
~~Xander/Gunn (1 idea)
~~Clark/Oliver (1 idea)
~~Clark/Lex (3 idea)
~~Clark/Bruce (1 idea)
~Clark/Harry P/Lex (1 idea)
~Dean W./Harry P. (1 idea)
I hope someone requests one of these ideas. Thanks for reading this.