(no subject)

Jul 29, 2006 20:56

LAST ....
person you talked to? my mom

person you touched? felicia?

thing you touched? keyboard

creepy guy on the street you saw? it wasnt a street but the old guy who picks up change outside the drive thru window

person you talked to on the phone? kari?

person you IM..'ed? ally

place you were? work

window you opened on your computer? myspace

thing you bought at wal*mart? no idea

time you went to the hospital? tuesday

place you went on vacation? pennsylvania

home improvment thing you did? i played with a nail gun before i left for girl state

time you went to iHop? when i was sick in april

time you went bowling? not sure....before school let out

time you slept in a tent? the time in my backyard

time you went to an amusement park? technically may but we didnt get to go in

book you read? how to ruin a friendship

street sign you saw? the one for my road

movie you watched? john tucket must die

game you played? some game at work

holiday that occured? my parents anniversity

time you went to your neighbors? its been awhile

time you went to buy fish? when our other one died

kind of flooring your feet touched? carpet

Dont fear the random!

what cell phone provider do you have? verizon

ever licked a 12 volt battery? no

have you won a trophy? yup

weirdest thing you did involving a pizza? eat it

screamed in a library lately? just talked loudly

have you ever fled the country? no

what kind of shoes do you wear? sneakers

how is your bedroom decorated? with ducks and random things

do you like socks? sometimes

does your dog drink out of the toilet? doubt it

are you addicted to anything? the internet, music, tv, slash

your thoughts on the green party? they can do what they want

does it bother you when ppl pretend they are stupid for attention? yea

do you see ghosts? i thought i did once but didnt

whats the weather like? gross

do you roll down the windows at stop lights and crank music? no....they usually are already down

how much is gas? too much

where do you keep your pants? on me

do you do weird stuff when ppl aren't around? nothing weirder than when people are around

ever been to an auction? no

ever played in a large box? yup

played a varsity sport? yea

ever pretend you were famous? dont think so

are you in the foamy cult? no

weirdest thing you ate? ketchup from the packets

how many states have you been to? about half of them

whats your curfew? none

do you love oompa loompas? nope

do you hate it when ppl call .. and then call again when you dont answer? yea

worst thing that happened on vacation? running into my mom after shopping for condoms with evan

do you love the price is right? yea

ever had an imaginary friend? yup

where there days they woudnt play with you? no

how do you feel about freckles? like em

are you married to anyone? no

ever climbed a silo? no

whats the weirdest thing you've done on an elevator? go up and down

how many times have you been to the movie theatre this week? 1

would you sit and talk to a stranger about dentures for 20 minutes? no

done something illegal? course not....

worst thing a teacher did to you? not sure

do you hate it when ppl copy you? yup

ever stayed out all night? who hasnt

ever hurt someone with food? only the food at work

used a fake id? no

how many contacts are on your phone? a lot

ever slept outside? yup

ever tried to make a friend jealous? no

accidently set something on fire? yea

did you get in tons of trouble? no
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