Jul 01, 2006 22:21
rock countdown:
#10 - the early november - hair
#9 - wolfmother - woman
#8 - head automatica - graduation day
#7 - underoath - writing on the walls
#6 - angels and airwaves - the adventure
#5 - 30 seconds to mars - the kill
#4 - him - killing loneliness
#3 - pearl jam - life wasted
#2 - afi - miss murder
#1 - taking back sunday - makedamnsure
A - Available: yup
A - Age: 17
A - Annoyance: different things
B - Best Friend: tammy, kari, ally, nikki
B - Beer: is gross
B - Best Sport: rugby
C - Crush: currently none
C - Car: taurus
C - Candy: sour patch kids
D - Day or night: night
D - Dream Car: whatever
D - Dog or cat: cat
E - Easiest person to talk to: my friends
E - Eggs: scrambled
E - Email: yea ive got one
F - Favorite Month: december/january
F- Favorite color: silver, yellow, black, blue
F - Favorite Memory(ies): theres a lot
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: worms
G - Giver or taker: both
G - Gum: strawberry
H - Hair Color: brunette
H - Height: 5'2"
H - Happy: when im with friends
I - Ice Cream: strawberry
I - Instrument: bass
I - Idol: jesse lacey/trent reznor
J - Jewelry: necklace
J - Job: mcdonalds
J - Juice: orange
K - Kids: are okay
K - Kisses: got some last night ;)
K - Kindergarten: was good times
L - Longest Car Ride: florida
L - Longest relationship: little over a year
L - Last hug: ryan at nics
M - Milk Flavor: white
M - Most missed person: not sure
M - Movie Last Watched: sin city?
N - Number of Siblings: 2
N - Number of Tattoos: none
N - Name: jen
O - ONE WISH: be happy
O - One Phobia: needles
O - One thing you regret: theres only 1
P - Pet Peeves: theres a few times
P - Part of your appearance you like best: no idea
P - Part of your Personality you like best: something
Q - Quick or Slow: quick
Q - Quails or Pidgeons: pidgeons but quails are cool too
Q - Queen or King: queen
R - Reasons to smile: friends, music
R - Reality TV Show: fear factor
R - Reasons to cry: death
S - Song Last Heard: failure by design - brand new
S - Shoe size: 7ish
S - Sex or Love: love with sex
T - Time you woke up today: well i went to sleep around 9 am....
T - Time Now: 10:30 pm
T - Time for bed: soon
U - U love someone: not now
U - Unpredictable: pretty much
U - Unicorns or Horses: horses
V - Vegetable you hate: brocolli, spinach
V - Vegetable you love: corn
V - Vacation spot: australia
W- Worst Habits: biting my nails, fidgeting
W- Where are you going to travel next? im SUPPOSED to go somewhere for xmas but i dunno where
W- Weather right now: warm
X - X-Rays: none
X - X-Rated porn: is too softcare
X - Xylophones: i can swiss chocolate on
Y - Year you were born: 1989
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: is the sun
Z - Zoo Animal: tigers
Z - Zodiac: aquarious
Z - Zebras: are striped