Feb 02, 2009 05:12
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
>> tagged by zaren, abby and Kalie... :> Wooooow.
1. I got my iPod when i was in second year...
2. My iPod was my grad gift for grade 7.
3. I didn't think of joining debate back in first year... i just had no choice in clubs. :))
4. I've read a lot of books... A LOT.
5. I have this picture as a young kid that I was holding this little durian fruit, and no one in my family has a copy because some government agency has it... I don't know where it is...
6. I cook and eat. :> (I'm a big fan of Japanese, Italian, Chinese and Filipino food. a little bit of everything doesn't hurt once in a while)
7. I learned to cook from my mom and my cousins and my aunt, and from watching the Lifestyle Network. :))
8. The first American Idol season i watched was season 3.
9. My hair is really dark brown. And it has been straightened twice to no avail. :))
10. I usually have one or two books under my pillow.
11. I plan to go to UP. :> HAHA!
12. I have not updated my fics for almost half a year. YIKES.
13. I plan to take up medicine
14. I love chocolates and anything sweet. as long as i drink water. :>
15. I don't like acting. SWEAR. I'd rather speak in front of my class than act.
16. I have only been abroad twice.
17. I have never, ever seen snow in my life. :))
18. Back when i was in second year, i usually hung out with seniors. *Hi ate camille, camel and Kat!*
19. I like biology the best! :>
20. I'm a CSI fanatic... :> Nyahaha~
21. I'm supposed to edit chapter 2 of our thesis now, but instead i am chatting and writing this post.
22. I can't wait to graduate.
23. I want to go to Japan, Canada, the US, or anyplace in Europe. :) For either my birthday or my grad gift, but it depends. XD
24. I love pandas (labo. :)) HAHAHA pero swear)
25. Mos tof my friends are either OLDER or YOUNGER than me. :>
Tagging: I can tag only a few since i'm bored, and i can't force people to do it. KASI NAMAN most of the people who tagged me i wanted to tag too.
> Ate Camille (MASTER!!!)
> Ate Camel
> Ate Kat (since this is X-Posted on my LJ, and even if Kat lucas does not have a multiply account, she will answer this on LJ. :>)
> Kiki
> Daryl (YES YOU. :D)
> Andrew
> Alex
> Verna
> Brian
> Fluff
> Kuya Ger (I meeesh you kuya, how's your book coming? :D)
> My brother.
> Krizia
> Lea
> Abby
> Aya
> Kalie
> Zaren
> Lui
> Marione
> Mark
> Monty
> Reg
> Dan
> chantal
happy meme-ing. :)) HAHAHAHA ~♥