Capture the Memories

May 15, 2008 14:49

I am 21.  I have already had quite a full life.  Filled with coming and going, hello and goodbye, love and hate.

I live in a world very catered to my own emotional stability, but it is certainly NOT reality.  I find reality to be FAR too depressing, and life can be made so much more interesting if you use your mind first before excepting the fact.

What are facts really.  Sadness is NOT a fact.  It is a state.  Why set up shop in an emotion when you can lie to yourself to find something new.  Though lies are bad... the PURSUITE of HAPPINESS has to be launched some way... and if it takes a lie to keep going... so be it.

I am not happy when I am alone. (especially at night)
I am not happy when I have to be doing school work.
I am not happy that I dont have my own REAL GROWN UP JOB full of responsability

But I am happy that I have the Kids a Vertigo.  I am Glad I make enough money to play and save
I am happy I have the experiences I have.  They have made me wiser and more cautious.
I love my parents, and I am blessed that at the end of the day they are ALWAYS my rock.  They have been criticized by many (including myself) but those who did the finger pointing arent around to live up to their words. My parents are.  THey keep me afloat and they are people worthy of emulating.

I have disappointed people- But I have taken chances
I have failed,but i have tried to push the limits
I have hidden... but I have returned to stand up, In the open, TALLER than before.  Always taller.
What else can you do other than try again, and again, and again when something fails.  There is only time until you are dead... so why stagnate.

I am still in my funk of dispair from this past week... but I just got the pictures from Slovensky Raj from Palo.  That helped me to remember the GOOD people I can find along the way.  The good memories I have had, and can have (even if they are in temporary doses).

I am blessed.
I am struggling.
I am awesome.

Dont forget that.
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