Dec 11, 2004 11:08
* Long ago i locked away *
* A secert i could dare not say *
* The shame so hard it came to me *
* I only hoped that he could see *
* I watched i listened *
* With open ears *
* His beauty, his words *
* Had summoned tears *
* In time i thought *
* It could not be *
* I was so sure of my feelings *
* Feelings he could not see *
* Like letters of love *
* Stuck here in my heart *
* Unopened, unread *
* Tearing apart *
* These letters i see *
* So big, so bold *
* I care more than i should say *
* My secert yet untold *
* The anger i can feel *
* Fading, no longer with me *
* A tragic secert it is *
* The secert i call Thomas *
* So now you know my secert *
* Which is now outside my heart *
* A truth that i now fear *
* It could rip our friendship apart *
* A pain that i cant take *
* Its time i went above *
* Secerts really suck *
* Because mine are about love *
I love you thomas!!!!