Rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in

May 31, 2004 17:55

Last night was quite interesting. I hung out with Tanner for a large portion of it, which was pretty fun. We went to a party at some friend of Nikki's parents for a little bit, then went back to Nikki's house where I was acosted by her sister. We hung out there with joe, robert, and brandon for a bit then went off to Grapevine Mills for a contest. I thought the turnout was going to be nice, but it was less than I had hoped for. JAred and big ed got out there. I don't really like that park anymore.. there's pretty much no flow throughout the street course. I tried some stuff, landed some stuff, and acted like an idiot which got me first place in intermediate, a cut nut sack,and a possible hernia. I got a few prizes, but i don't know if sacrificing my balls was the right thing to do.

Work was actually alright today. Not many people came, so I didn't have to hobble around and try to accomidate for my injuries from the night before. I'm getting checked out tomorrow, hopefully everything will be ok. I'm out for the night...this better not keep me from having fun!
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