A letter to Santa

Dec 08, 2003 22:15

Dear Santa:

I know this is the place where one is supposed to ask for all the stuff one wants; but in truth, I don't really want "stuff" this year, not after all the work I've been putting in trying to get rid of a lot of stuff. (Though I could use a new couch, and a coffee table, and bed rails so I can put up my canopy bed, and I admit I wouldn't say no to the magical appearance of funds for my Film Fest pass and a trip to the UK for my birthday next year--but those are awfully big things and I would never expect them from you.) Here's what I'd like this year instead of "stuff":

I'd like more time; and if not necessarily more time, then a better perspective on what constitutes "should" and the ability to not feel guilty if I'm not always doing things that I think I "should" be doing.

I'd like a decrease in my social anxiety. I suspect it's too late for me to gain any real skill and finesse at socializing, so just being less worried about it would be fine.

I'd like Jageeda's allergies to clear up, or at least to find out what's causing them so they can be treated properly.

I'd like to find a good, solid, financially sound, generally responsible roommate who's pleasant to live with. Interesting and fun would be a huge bonus, but sound, responsible, and pleasant will do. (And this one I'd really like before Xmas, though I know it's awkward to ask that.)

I'd like the willpower to keep myself exercising and make my body healthier and stronger. And it would be nice to be less critical and distorted in my view of it, in any case.

I'd like the guts to finally grab a dream and hold on and stop telling myself I'm not good enough.

I'd like to be able to take a compliment gracefully. And to stop deliberately shoving myself into the background.

I'd like to give more to those I love, especially time and comfort. And to take more from them when it's offered and I need it.

I'd like peace of mind, and the ability to move forward from a lot of things I need to let go of.

And I'd like things such as world peace and and a better economy and an end to hunger and hatred and for a lot of people to get a freakin' clue about some things, but those are huge and not really within your domain--they rely too much on the interactions between people, and I know you can't really shape that very well.

I realize this is a lot to ask for. I'm not expecting it all neatly packaged and perfect on the hearth on Xmas morning. Just a start at it is all I want for now. I don't think that's too unreasonable.

Thanks for your time and consideration of my requests, Santa. I appreciate it. I'll be happy to leave some cookies for you again--I'm thinking about trying rose meringues this year, would you like some of those along with the gingerbread? (I do hope you're not on Atkins, though.)


Ice Princess


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