We have apparently discovered a new Best Cat Toy Ever.
I can understand that you might be scratching your heads in confusion. "But that's a laundry bin. How is that a cat toy?"
Well, you see, when it's full and closed, a cat* can stand on top of it and try to pull the cover open.
When it's being filled, a cat can stand next to it and bat at the sides that ripple and bulge as the laundry is being put in.
And when it's empty (or mostly empty), a cat can knock it over and climb inside it, from where said cat can bat at things on the outside of the laundry bag, especially another cat that might be sitting on top of or next to it, or a human who is deliberately provoking the cat on the inside. Or even try to stand on top of it, not realizing that it's not full, and then fall in and have to figure out how to get out.
Frankly, it's a lot cheaper than a lot of cat toys, so I can't say that it's such a bad thing to be the new Best Cat Toy Ever.
But it does make dealing with laundry a bit more complicated.
*And by "a cat," I mean Kaga, who is endlessly in search of new ways to cause trouble. Squish has not actually discovered the wonders of this great new toy yet, but he will, because he always has to copy everything Kaga does.