It's Friday. So?

Jun 12, 2009 14:58

This week, Friday means morthael's parents arriving in town for a visit (which is fine, they are lovely people and we all get along and they aren't staying with us which is good for everyone's sanity, but there's inevitably some stress about having visitors), trying to balance their visit against work and the Stanley Cup final game, and a weekend with way too much going on that we have to juggle or just outright miss.

Shylah is still unwell. It appears now that her respiratory infection is viral, meaning the meds the vet gave us won't do anything. She's still congested and wheezy and doesn't really want to eat or drink as usual, though she's still up for treats and walks. We thought yesterday that she was just being mopey and took her to the park, which she seemed to really enjoy but in retrospect was probably quite unwise. K hadn't yet gotten a callback from the vet on his request for advice by the time he left to meet his parents at the airport, so I don't know if anything's come from that. We are probably going to give her chicken soup, though--she likes chicken, it'll give her some nutrients and liquids, and it makes humans feel better when they're sick so maybe it'll make her feel better.

Kaga is very concerned about this state of affairs and has approached her several times to check on her. It's actually kind of touching; furry little shithead though he is, he does like and care about her. However, the only way he knows how to express his affection and concern is by trying to get her to play with him, and his method of initiating play is to slap or bite her. For some reason, she doesn't find this particularly comforting. I can't imagine why.

I am having a terrible time figuring out what to wear for pledge tomorrow. It has to fit a complicated formula that involves colors that are bad or good for broadcast, colors that work on me, the dramatic contrast between my dark hair and pale skin (which is perfectly fine any time other than when I have to be on camera), things that are relatively flattering to my shape but still appropriate for broadcast, and the fact that I'll likely spend part of the day in the outfit before I go down to the station so it can't be something that easily gets messed up. Wheeeee. My problems are so significant, aren't they? Also, Squish is currently lying on the thing that was my top candidate, meaning it is now covered in fine gray, cream, and tan hairs. Yay.

So, what do your weekends look like?
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