Dec 17, 2005 18:47
So how is everyone?! Well yes IDK...I have come to figure out that I truely love my girlfriend...but now I am thrown into sum drama with the girl that I used to like and that I cheated on my ex girlfriend with...and I do still kind of have feelings for her...though I do love girlfriend...IDK...I know that nothing will change the way I feel about her...but (there is always a fucking "but") the feelings I have for Brittany are still sum what's weird...I'm not questioning my feelings for Maura I know that...IDK...this whole update is pointless I know what I am going to do and what is probably going to happen...and that would be me staying with Maura...and just staying friends with Brittany...that's how it is going to be and I know it is going to hurt Brittany a lot but I am in love with Maura....I dont know I miss Maura too I havent talked to her since Wensday because she went to Virgina beause her great grandmother died and she was going to her funeral...well anyways lemme know what you think about this update...