i cant believe it

Oct 02, 2005 14:20

I have a friend that i have had the utmost respect for for years now, and i always believed this person to be one of character, one who wasn't afraid to be themselves, one who didnt care what anyone else thought, and i very much believed that this person was genuinely one of the best i'd ever known. its crazy tho, how soemtimes u really dont know who someone truly is, which im finding more and more of now...its dissapointing to know that the opinions u form of people are null and void to an extent u never thot possible. i always enjoyed this person's company mainly because they knew and believed the truth. They were solid in their foundation and were bold with their beliefs about God, Jesus, the burial, the resurrection, death, life, salvation, and just about every other aspect of doctrine. i admired that so much and i just knew that there was no way this person would ever stray from the Lord or His will. I was also dumbfounded by this person's ability to relate to people with their blunt statements about the truth...sort of a "this is how it is, end of story" type deal, which i am very fond of considering i myself am the same way. however, when i found out yesterday that this person had fallen into temptation, my heart sunk into the pit of stomach and i could only think of how unbelievable it was. i never in my entire friendship with this person even considered that this could possibly happen to them. i mean, c'mon, this is a major christian we're talking about here. whats next? i mean, what is the next step in to the wide destructive path after this one? all i could think was "no, not them too." i cant imagine this person doing that, even now that i know they do. its that unthinkable. however, i honestly doubt that everyone of those ppl would've said the same thing happened had it not been true. maybe its just some huge practical joke...maybe it never actually happened...or maybe this is just what comes out when my mind gets to the wishful thinking stage. i dunno... i just feel let down, even tho i never actually realized how much i had expected of this person before. maybe i set my standards too high, but i only based them off of who that person was to start with. when i meet someone, its not "oh, i hope you do all of these things that i think about correctly" or "you'd better be perfect or else." its not like that at all. when i meet someone, i figure out what kind of person they are first, then i base the standards i have for that individual on who they are and what they're already like. you cant expect the same of everyone, afterall. i honestly do not ever recall a time where i asked someone to change who they were, bc i wouldnt want anyone trying to change me. i might have told someone that i dont agree with what they're doinhg, or that im not going to do that and why i'm not going to, or if someone brings something to me that contradicts what i believe, i will stand up for myself bc im not about to let anyone walk all over me. however, as far as telling somebody what they should change within themselves? absolutely not. o well, i guess i should have just realized that this person isnt perfect and i have to deal with that. obviously i didnt think they were to start with, but they just happen to be a little further away from that than i had anticipated. i just see it as giving into someone else, which i know can be tough to resist, but i still see that as weak, and i cant respect that part of this person bc i cannot respect weakness in the sense of changing who u r for someone else.
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