Jan 06, 2006 09:20
*singing* I have a Job!!! I have a job oh yes I do!!!! *end of singing*
I know that God only does what He wants when He thinks it's a good time.
I have been wanting a job for two or more years. I have only had odd jobs for individuals. Well, God final said, "Janna, here you go." by giving me this Job at IGA in Newton in the Deli. I am so happy. The lady called me this morning. I am so happy for myself and for God finally letting me have this job. I have been praying since the interview on last Thursday. I have been praying:
"Dear God, I have done my part. Now it's up to You.
I will let it be and if it is my time then please let me
have this job. I know that it's all up to You if I get this
job or not. Thanks for Your time to help me out when
I am in need. And if this is not my job then I know
that you have something better for me.
In your Son's name Jesus Chris.
And then TODAY, yes today, I got the call!!!! Oh, thank you God so much. I love YOU!!!
Thanks for reading my thing. I just thought that you should know what God has been doing in my life. He does wonders. *happyness!!!*