:L my life is amuuusiiing.

Jun 30, 2010 22:52

So, I haven't updated in aaaages, cause I'm not really active on this account. Dx
Anyways, I WANNA BE BLONDE. I'm gonna dye my hair honey blonde soon, before I move to Brazil, as part of the whole unrecogniseable thing.
Also, for stalker reasons, I'm changing my name, again. My sister is thinking of getting me a title, so my new name is going to be Lady Ariel Elizabeth Alice Furness of Sealand. Now, if I havn't heard a princessier name than thaaaat.... xD
But anyways, once I'm done dyeing my hair and changing my name and basically know I'm safe, I might start a himegyaru/lolita/overall gyaru blog, cause I've wanted to since I got into lolita years ago.
I kinda ended up advancing into gyaru (hime especially) because it still has that princessy look that I fell in love with while still in my fully lolita days, but I find it more wearable.
Onto my social life. xD Well, this should be fun.
So this girl who was apparently my friend ( I never liked her. :L) basically accused me of being a snobby, posh, stuck up brat, and tried to turn my friends against me. Now, my friends are lovely people and i love em all to death and I'm proud that they stood by me when I needed them. So now this girl has no friends and is overall alone. Usually I would be the one saying "No, we shouldn't be harsh..." but this time she so deserves it. She's so immature it actually makes me laugh.
When she sits there talking about me, giving me dirty looks, it makes me smile, because I know that even though she's spreading all this stuff about me, nobody believes a word that she says and everyone believes me. :] Well, I mean who would you choose, the "posh" girl, (like the worst insult she had for me), or the poor druggie skank who looks like a monkey and stole said girl's nicest £150 D&G jeans? Lol, she never had a chance.
Just because I enjoy dressing like a princess and have the resources to do so, doesn't mean that I'm snobby, nor stuck up. I just try my hardest to present myself in a refined matter.

Also, imma be attending a cosplay picnic in hereford at the end of next month and loads of us are going as hetalia characters.
Should be sooo much fun. xD

rant, real life, cosplay

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