Feb 08, 2006 00:35
Can someone please help me here? I am looking for some legitimate reason, and if you know the answer to this, feel free to intelligently debate with me... Why is it okay for there to be race-specific groups, so long as the race is not white? For example: The National Association of Black Accountants is a group at my school. But you won't find one for just whites, because that would be segregation. Why is the double standard freely accepted? I'm not trying to be ignorant about it, I would REALLY like to get a firm understanding why this is alright in some things, and not others. Not like I would want to join a National Association of Black anything... But how come if I wanted to make a group to proudly look at my heritage as a white person (remember, race, not ethnicity.. So in this case, I'm forced to use "heritage"...And remember, not all blacks are from Africa so the same applies to them), I can't because it would be racist. They would sue for all sorts of reasons, and whatever protests you would have to endure over it. How come this is alright? Someone help me out here, because I really just don't get why it's okay. Again, I'm not being ignorant. I'm not trying to start a ruckus. I just wanna figure it out.
Then again... we do have a white group......we call them the Klan. Ho Ho.