May 17, 2005 23:43
"It is the imagination of man that provokes his adventures, and love takes here the first place. Morality reproves passion, curiousity, experience the three bloody stages which mount toward creation." ~Anais Nin
Artistry by it's very nature can not be moral. The feelings that inspire the artist's drive can not be by society's standards of propriety. Lust, anger, pain, Love, duplicity, shame, depression. All of these are necessary to fire the spark of creation. A happy proper calm quiet life can not bring forth the emotion al reactions that make something art, in my world. Creation will always follow destruction. You can not have one without the other as they are two sides of the same coin. They are a prime example of that duality that exsists within all things. Our desire to remove pain and destruction will be the eventual downfall of our society as we know it. A society is judged by the art and philosophy of that people. A Society is judged by it's capacity to hurt and be hurt. It's capacity for and ability to feel pain.
"What I would like is to combine our strengths to face bigger, immenser wars and dramas, to work together on that art which follows the drama and dominates only to proceed, to plunge in again, not to rest or crystalize." ~Anais Nin
Very rarely am I certain of exactly what I do or do not want. One thing that I am sure of is that I never want to finish becoming. I wish to continue growing, learning, and changing. The one thing that I shall always fight within myself is stagnation. Stagnations is little more than a living death to my mind.
This fear of stagnatino is a large part of the reason why I work so hard to find someone, to find a companion, at times it becomes a struggle for me to continue pushing myself to grow. It can be difficult to discover new things and be open to new experiences singly, where as if one becomes two, hundreds of new doors can open to you. That is why it is so important to me to have an equal partner who shares those same drives. Who knows what we would then be capable of...