25 Anime/Manga Icons

Dec 24, 2013 13:55

I hope that everyone who celebrates is having a wonderful Christmas (or Holiday/Winter) season! anime20in20 is running it's 50th challenge and then the community is going on hiatus. I never really got the chance to participate there as much as I would have liked, but it has always been a lovely place full of equally lovely icons and so it will be missed!

To help give it a proper sending off, I was inspired to participate and make my 25 icons each featuring a set of five anime/manga series that have been left unfinished, either by being put on hiatus or discontinued. I worked hard to be able to finish this set on time, since I have a lot of other things on my plate right now, but I am happy with the results so please enjoy and help yourself to anything that you like here, but kindly remember to:

Credit wildmusings and/or icontradiction (example)
Comment, they're appreciated and encouraging to receive
Don't hotlink, upload the graphics to your own server
Don't re-distribute or claim to have made these graphics
Don't modify the graphics, textless icons are not bases
Ask me if you want a textless or b/w version of an icon

05 Clover
05 D.N.Angel
05 Hunter x Hunter
05 Princess
05 X/1999
25 Total

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Far Crop

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Artist's Choice

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Artist's Choice

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Artist's Choice

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Artist's Choice

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Artist's Choice

01. Textures by sendingicons, mercury90 and unknown ;-;
02. Textures by sanctuarylight and crazykira
03. Textures by erzsebet and pihacem
04. Visually represents the various 'cages' the clovers find themselves trapped in
05. Texture by discolemonaaade
06. Originally a Valentine's Day image, I just made it more Christmas-sy XD Stock photo by Michael M. Schwab
07. Textures by colorvary, i_rise_inside and butterphil. Tinytext brushes by mrs_spock
08. Texture by unknown ;-;
09. Meant to represent the character's interchangeable entities. Vector symbol by Electric Crayon
10. Textures by discolemonaaade and rhcp_csi

11-15. Since the series circles around going on a journey to find what you're looking for, accomplish what you most desire and become what you want to be, I thought it fit the theme pretty well. I chose text to represent each character while also creating a progressive goodbye statement.
Graphic images from the special dust jackets that were released. Texture by crazykira

16-20. Given the medieval romantic style of the artwork, I thought it'd be interesting to incorporate various love quotes from William Shakespeare's works, chosen to fit each image.
Images from the various manga cover artwork. Textures by discolemonaaade and cla22ire. Brush by notfadeaway
16. Quote from Romeo and Juliet
17. Quote from Romeo and Juliet
18. Quote from Sonnet 18
19. Quote from Twelfth Night
20. Quote from A Midsummer Night's Dream

21-25. This set tells the tragic fated tale of the war between Heaven and Earth, as humans are drawn in to be pawns of higher ethereal beings, in a battle that may never actually end...
Icons made from layering different images together, no actual textures were used ^^'

The majority of my artbook, manga, anime etc. images came from MiniTokyo & Zerochan. Most textures were found through calendarsquares (awesome community and resource right there) or Google searches; I've tried to credit all my resources above (if it says unknown feel free to remind me who made it), but please let me know if I forgot to mention you or otherwise ask if you want to know about something specific and I'll do my best to find it for you. Thanks for looking and also thanks in advance to anyone that leaves compliments regarding my work. Be sure to browse the tags to see more such icons by the other participants!

series: dnangel, community: anime20in20, type: icons, maker: wildmusings, series: clover, artist: clamp, series: hunter x hunter, series: x/1999, general: anime and manga, series: princess

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