20 Clover Icons

May 27, 2011 08:45

After failing to complete my official March claim at otp20in20 and then not having the time to do an unofficial claim for April (I'll post them both here eventually, along with a couple other sets) I'm proud to finally finish something I started XD

So May brings you 20 icons featuring general pairings from Clover. This was my very first CLAMP series, I became intrigued by the unique manga cover/book design and then fell in love with the story. I enjoyed making these graphics and hopefully I've done the beautiful artwork some justice... if so, help yourself, but do remember to:

Credit wildmusings and/or icontradiction (example)
Comment, they're appreciated and encouraging to receive
Don't hotlink, upload the graphics to your own server
Don't re-distribute or claim to have made these graphics
Don't modify the graphics, textless icons are not bases

- 01 -

- 02 -
Dominant Colour

- 03 -

- 04 -

- 05 -
Old Paper Texture

- 06 -

- 07 -

- 08 -
Fave Official Image

- 09 -
Faceless Crop

- 10 -

- 11 -
Sequence of Events

- 12 -
Sequence of Events

- 13 -
Sequence of Events

- 14 -
Sequence of Events

- 15 -
Sequence of Events

- 16 -
Artists Choice

- 17 -
Artists Choice

- 18 -
Artists Choice

- 19 -
Artists Choice

- 20 -
Artists Choice

(a list of the themes I had to choose from can be found here)
01. Oruha & Suu. Quote from Twelth Night by William Shakespeare
02. A & C/Ran
03. C/Ran & Gingetsu
04. Suu & Kazuhiko. Quote from Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare
05. Kazuhiko & Suu. It's actually a stock photo from Getty Images, but I think it still counts >.>
06. Gingetsu & C/Ran. Kazuhiko sure does know how to ruin a tender moment with his tactless suggestions... the rainbow is likewise blunt ;P
07. Suu & Kazuhiko. You can tell I'm not a manga colourer ;-;
08. C/Ran & Suu. Quote from a poem by Maya Angelou
09. Fairy Park Statue/Singer & Suu. It seems this unknown person reminds her of Oruha and she is determined to seek her out
10. Ran & Suu. Will they escape the fate of the clovers and find happiness?
11. A, B & C/Ran. Blood is spilt after A kills B to be with C
12. A & C/Ran. When he finally has the courage to leave A, though the later refuses to accept this
13. Gingetsu & C/Ran. The 'hunter' and 'hunted' are drawn together by the red string of fate
14. A, C/Ran & Gingetsu. A battle ensues; sacrifice and promises are made
15. Gingetsu & C/Ran. The finding of freedom and the beginning of a beautiful relationship
16. Oruha & Kazuhiko
17. Oruha & Suu
18. Kazuhiko & Gingetsu
19. Suu & C/Ran
20. Suu, Kazuhiko & Fairy Park Statue/Singer
The Sequence of Events set tells the story of C/Ran's leaving behind one destroyed relationship with B, and another broken one with A, to finally (after a struggle) find a legitimate one with Gingetsu
My Artists Choice icons were not designed graphically as a set as I wanted to be free to explore different compositions this time around. Conceptually though, I did include at least one relationship for each of the four clovers
All other resource credits/notes will be edited in at a later date as I need to finish getting ready for my weekend away and leave for the Anime Convention now. I procrastinated too much again >.<

Most fandom images used were found at Aethereality, Manga Rush and Mini Tokyo, otherwise likely through a Google search. I've tried to credit all resources, but it's quite possible I've left some out by accident so if you see something that is yours please let me know so I can give proper credit.

Thanks for looking and also thanks in advance to anyone that leaves compliments regarding my work. I do appreciate it, even though I may not always leave individual replies saying so. Be sure to browse this tag for the works of all other participants. I still need to do that myself and leave comments, but what I've seen of the previews, once again amazing work from everyone.

community: otp20in20, type: icons, maker: wildmusings, general: anime and manga, series: clover, artist: clamp

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