106 Harry Potter Graphics

Aug 19, 2008 12:45

A common problem seems to be that there is just too much to do and never enough time to do it in, but I am back this week with another batch of HP icons featuring various media. Please help yourself to what's available, browse the tags for previous posts and consider watching the community to see future updates. All I ask in return is that you kindly remember to:

Credit wildmusings and/or icontradiction (example)
Comment, they're appreciated and encouraging to receive
Don't hotlink, upload the graphics to your own server
Don't re-distribute or claim to have made these graphics
Don't modify the graphics, textless icons are not bases

18 Accent Colours
28 Ravenclaw Students
10 Movie Posters
15 Song Albulm (Celine Dion's A New Day Has Come)
28 Text Only
07 Pride/Friends Only Banners
106 Total (plus some variations)

A C C E N T   C O L O U R

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R A V E N C L A W   S T U D E N T S

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M O V I E   P O S T E R S

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S O N G   A L B U L M

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T E X T   O N L Y

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P R I D E   &   F R I E N D S   O N L Y   B A N N E R S

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37: Quote and reference from The X-Files
38-46: Some technically feature Parvati, but since they're twins I used them to represent Padma instead
57: Lyrics from A New Day Has Come by Celine Dion
58: Lyrics from A New Day Has Come by Celine Dion
59: Lyrics from Right In Front Of You by Celine Dion
60: Lyrics from I'm Alive by Celine Dion
61: Lyrics from A New Day Has Come by Celine Dion
62: Lyrics from The Greatest Reward by Celine Dion
63: Lyrics from At Last by Celine Dion
64: Lyrics from A New Day Has Come by Celine Dion
65: Lyrics from I Surrender by Celine Dion
66: Lyrics from Rain, Tax (It's Inevitable) by Celine Dion
67: Lyrics from Have You Ever Been In Love by Celine Dion
68: Lyrics from A New Day Has Come by Celine Dion
69: Lyrics from A New Day Has Come by Celine Dion
70: Lyrics from Right In Front Of You by Celine Dion
71: Lyrics from When The Wrong One Loves You Right by Celine Dion
74-75: Reference to Harry Potter's birthday and the prophecy
79: Quote from m15m's version of PoA
85-90: Intended for members of Hogwarts Elite
105: Lyrics from Goodbye's (The Saddest Word) by Celine Dion
106: Lyrics from The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn by Celine Dion

All graphic resources are credited at this post, along with a list of common galleries we frequent. If you really want to know about something specific, just ask and I'll do my best to remember where I found it. Thanks for looking and also thanks in advance to anyone that leaves compliments regarding my work. I do appreciate it, even though I don't normally leave individual replies saying so. On your way out, I encourage you to drop by our affiliates to see their work.

type: icons, maker: wildmusings, general: books, series: harry potter, type: banners, general: movies

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