And it begins...

Feb 27, 2008 23:41

Hello, fellow peruser. Or should I say stopper-by? ...Stopper-byer? Who knows. Welcome to icontortion! My name is Dallas, and I am an amateur icon-maker (or iconiker as I like to call it). I have a passion for creativity and visuals, and I am so excited to share one of my new-found loves with you.

I hope you enjoy your stay here. My obsessions range from TV shows to movies to stock images. Anything that speaks to me, I'll contort it into an icon. (get it? 'contort'? lol.)

The first batch of icontortion icons are still in the construction zone but will be here for you to enjoy soon. If you like what you see, feel free to join and spread the word of this eccentric lady's passion.

Thanks for stopping by, my fellow obsessed icon-lover.

Rock on.

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