34 multifandom icons

May 30, 2008 17:55

Multifandom with a new (table-less) format for now, because I've been letting these icons gather dust in my HD. The one Torchwood icon is outside the cut, for the convenience of those who want to see it without having to load all the other ones ;)

The two Davids! Never been much for American Idol, but I watched s7's finale, and bam! Huge surge of affection for these two, right between the eyes ♥♥

Icon count:
1 Torchwood (Jack/Ianto)
4 WWE (Victoria, D-Generation X, Vince McMahon) for wwe_rumble
10 American Idol season 7 (David Archuleta, David Cook)
19 DC comics (Martian Manhunter, Batman, Robin, Batman/Robin, Blue Beetle/Booster Gold, Ted Kord, random dialogue)

+ 1 David Archuleta and David Cook header (750x300)

NO HOTLINKING. Feel free to take, steal, circulate, &c. Comments and credit to iconthology would be appreciated. (I also take requests.)

















(click for full-sized header)
- yes, #1 is what you think it is
- #s 2-5 were for wwe_rumble's Round 1, where I got Second Place overall \o/
- #17 is from Terry Richardson's photo exhibit of the Jackass crew
- #s 18-19 are from a weird pop-art(?) thing posted on scans_daily
- #34 is based on how, really, Rodney McKay (Stargate: Atlantis) and Ted Kord are alike (except in personality ;)

comic: dc universe, ! headers, tv: pro wrestling, people: david archuleta, tv: american idol, tv: torchwood, people: david cook

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