Challenge 149: Fine Wine

Nov 27, 2017 00:10

absolutelybatty ; burntheflaws ; petite_tomate ; alisea_dream ; scoobyatemysnax

The challenge this week is that the predominant colour in your icons should deep, rich maroons or reddish brown.

DUE DATE: 3rd December, 10.30 PM, IST

You can icon anything from TV, Film, Cartoons, Animation, Celebrities, Stock, Videogames, Bands etc
You may enter upto 3 icons for a challenge.
All icons must be made by you specifically for the current challenge.
Icons must fit LJ standards. 100 x 100 pixels, .png , .gif , .jpeg and must be less than 40 kb.
Submit your icons as a new entry into the community and tag them with the challenge number and your user name like so: challenge xx, user: xxxx
If you have any doubts or questions, feel free to ask me in the comments.

!challenge post, challenge 149

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