× Color scheme: (Specify all colors, or one color that you want different shades of.)Red and Black
× Border type: (none, solid, dashed, dotted, double.) dotted
× Border thickness. (Thick, medium, thin.)thin
× Title for journal at top: Shooting Star, who fell from the sky
× Entry position: (Center, left, right.)Left
× Entry width. (Wide, medium, thin.)Wide
× Layout: (Generator, Magazine etc, please specify.)Tabular Indent
× Comment links text: (comment) Don't leave me (read) fallen star(s)
× Font type: arial narrow
× Font size: (Small, medium, big.)big
× Background picture: <*
× Background picture position: (Center, left, right.)left
× Background scrolling: (Repeat, no repeat.)no repeat
× Scroll bar colors:red and black
× Background color if you don't want a picture:
× Other details: can u incorporate stars and hearts in the picture or layout sum how?
If you are requesting a graphic, use this form.
× What do you want:matching icon
× Colors: red and black
× Border: dotted and red
× Animation: stars and hearts with my name Cindii
× Pictures: same as layout
× Other details: make it purdy ;)