
Jul 30, 2007 19:30

The Phuck Attack Icon Challenge!
brought to you by phuck @ last5 and ack_attack @ iconseeyou

The Phuck Attack Icon Challenge is quickly reaching its deadline, therefore we have a few last minute reminders! For the final post that phuck & I will be posting in last5 & iconseeyou, respectively, we are asking that you include three preview icons with the comment you post here when you complete the challenge. (Please note: If you have already commented with your completed claim, do not worry about supplying 3 preview icons. We will get them for you.)

The icon challenge ends on August 4, 2007 at 8:00PM EST! You must have you claims completed and posted by then in order to be included in the all encompassing post of icon doom that we are putting together. Please, see this post for any further details or if you wish to make a last minute claim!
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