Oh, there's hate. They seem to hate all of the same people all the time, lol. But I think there's like a small percentage of hate and a larger percentage of flash challenges, concrit and other stuff. I suppose a little of everything for everyone, I guess. It's not that bad, really. There are anon comms out there that are a LOT worse.
The hate is definitely there, it was more present at the beginning but there has been a good balance found by now. I think it does take a thicker skin to make it your playground but I am also very thankful for the invigoration it has breathed into a lot of iconners.
I don't understand how to follow anon-icon tbh. Do people track the threads or something? (And do you end up with a billion emails if you do?) It seems way too time consuming to try and read all the comments -- and then try to keep up with new ones. I want to see what all the fuss is about, but it just seems really daunting.
You can track individual threads, but I just try and remember what threads I want to follow and check them on occasion. It's a pretty laid back environment so if you don't respond it's not a big deal really.
It's also really easy to skim over the comments to see if there's anything you're even interested in responding to or not.
It's a great community, and I like the discussions and everything. It seems like the discussions are rehashed a lot though... which isn't a big deal. Don't agree about not seeing any hate, though. Things have calmed down a lot as of late, but it seems like some people there have a stick up their ass about everything and everyone.
Other than that, I really love the comm too and I've had more positive experiences with it than negative ^^
Like you do, right?
It's also really easy to skim over the comments to see if there's anything you're even interested in responding to or not.
Don't agree about not seeing any hate, though. Things have calmed down a lot as of late, but it seems like some people there have a stick up their ass about everything and everyone.
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