Hii! Thank you for your suggestion, it seems fantastic and we're probably using it. One thing, though, do you know if/how that site keeps people from voting more than once, or if there are any easy hacks? It's my only concern.
Yep, I found pollcode (dot) com last night while the discussion was going on in the mod post, and I think that is the best and safest option.
Here's what the pollcode admins have to say about the "can people vote more than once" issue:
Q: What do you do to try and stop people from cheating in my poll?
A: When you create your poll, you can choose whether you would like to allow one vote per day, week, month or year. We use multiple methods, including cookies and IP address data to try to allow one vote per user. Although there is no perfect method available on the Internet, we believe ours is among the best.
I found that site too when you guys suggested a poll, this morning, I just had no idea how to make it work, so thank you for clarifying on how to make it truly fair! :)
When they say to make it one vote per year/month.
Here's what the pollcode admins have to say about the "can people vote more than once" issue:
Q: What do you do to try and stop people from cheating in my poll?
A: When you create your poll, you can choose whether you would like to allow one vote per day, week, month or year. We use multiple methods, including cookies and IP address data to try to allow one vote per user. Although there is no perfect method available on the Internet, we believe ours is among the best.
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