Warning! Long & Involved. Lots of pictures. Modem users (and photobucket) will hate me.
Curves: Duplicate
layer (Ctrl+J). Ctrl+M (Image >> Adjustments >> Curves) and in the default window (RGB) click on the point at the bottom corner and drag it until:
Input: 50
Output: 0
Click in the center of the line to create a new point and drag it until:
Input: 80
Output: 38
here for an example.
Lower Saturation: Ctrl+U (Image >> Adjustments >> Hue/Saturation) slide the saturation bar to -19.
Soft Light: Duplicate the original layer (Ctrl+J) and drag it to the top in the layers window. Set it to Softlight.
Sharpen: Filter >> Sharpen >> Unsharp Mask [
Multiply: Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) and fill it with #D2B9A0. Set layer to Multiply at 70% opacity.
Softlight: Create a new layer and fill it with #E8D5C4. Set layer to Softlight.
Colorburn: Create another new layer and fill it with #77C0EB. Set this layer to Soft Light.
Brightness/Contrast: Ctrl+A (Select All), Ctrl+Shift+C (Copy All Visible Layers), and Ctrl+V to paste image into a new layer. Image >> Adjustments >> Brightness/Contrast... Set Brightness to +11 and Contrast to +2.
Texture 1: Paste this texture by
colorfilter into a new layer. Go to Hue/Saturation (Ctrl+U) and lower the saturation by about -35. Crop the texture and erase the remaining bits overlapping Harry's head (either use the pen tool to outline Harry and rightclick to transform it into a selection, or create a new layer mask and black the texture out with a small-ish round brush).
Multiply Texture 2: Another texture by
colorfilter. Paste it into a new layer & create a new layer mask (
how to mask). Using a soft, round brush around 3-7px, black out Harry's head. Set layer to Multiply.
Brightness/Contrast: Ctrl+A (Select All), Ctrl+Shift+C (Copy All Visible Layers), and Ctrl+V to paste image into a new layer. Image >> Adjustments >> Brightness/Contrast... Set Brightness to +8 and Contrast to +13.
Selective Color: Image >> Adjustments >> Selective Color. In the Colors dropdown box, select Blacks. Set Yellow to +22 and Black to +20. [
Color Layer: Create another new layer. Select color #EFCC94 and with a small rounded brush, paint over Harry's face. Don't color over his lips or eyes. Set this layer to Color at 45% opacity.
Softlight: Create a new layer. Select your Gradient tool and make certain your foreground color is set to white. Go to the dropdown gradient bar up top, and select white to transparent. Then select the reflected gradient button
. A little bit down and center from the top left-hand corner, drag down a short distance for a nice white beam. Set the layer to Softlight. Next create a new mask and with a round 7-9px brush, black out the beam in Harry's hair. Then, using one of my
masking brushes, black out a bit in the lower left-hand corner.
Softlight: Create another new layer. I selected my 56px size masking brush, then at Master Diamerter at the top of the brush menu I turned the size down to 17px. With the color black I painted over some of the highlights in Harry's hair. Set the layer to Softlight with opacity at 55%.
Selective Color: Image >> Adjustments >> Selective Color. On both Cyans and Blues, turn the cyan slider all the way to the right. Go back to Blues and turn the Yellow slider down to -43. Create a new mask. With 56px masking brush again, paint over the bottom and over Harry's head, so that only the top background is turned more blue.
Blurred: Using brush sizes between 3-7px, select the blur tool with strength about 25%. Zoom in on the icon and carefully blur Harry's skin and the top highlights in his hair.
Burned Lips: With a 3px round brush, select the burn tool (Range: Shadows | Exposure: 20%). Carefully drag the brush over Harry's lips. You can do the same to his eyes if you'd like, or anywhere you feel could use a bit of darkening.
Exclusion: Create another new layer and fill it with color #030025. Set the layer to Exclusion at 50% opacity. Next, set another layer mask and with a large-ish brush, black out the bottom of the background and Harry.
Brightness: Select All, Copy Merged, and Paste into a new layer. Going back to Brightness/Contrast (Image >> Adjustments >> Brightness/Contrast). Turn down the Brightness by, about, -15. Create a final mask and with a medium brush, black out the bottom half of the background and a bit here and there on the right-hand side where the background shows through.