For challenge 11 over at
picspammy 10. There are no makeover montages.
9. There is no singing into random objects.
I want something else
To get me through this
Semi-charmed kind of life
8. There's no quirky best friend... Or sardonic best friend... Or sassy best friend.
He plays the didgeridoo? My advice? Didgeridon't.
7. There is no scene where someone has a one night stand and then shows up to work the next day and finds out that they actually slept with their new boss.
6. No one in this movie slides down a wall while crying.
6a. No one is ever laughing and crying at the same time.
5. There are no elderly folks who say anything inappropriate.
-Never get married.
-Oh, yeah? Why's that?
-'Cause you'll never get a blow job again.
4. Nobody chases anybody down to stop them from going somewhere or to stop them from doing something. Not at an airport or a train station or a wedding. Nowhere.
3. There is no shot where heads fall into frame and land on pillows.
2. There is no speech where, in order to win her over, a guy tells a girl all the little details he loves about her.
I love everything about you. I love everything that comes out of you. I love your laugh. I love the gap in your teeth. I love that just 'cause you were in Boy Scouts, you consider yourself a veteran. I love that sometimes you just smile at homeless people and you don't even know it.
1. The "falling in love" montage.
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