Brush/Texture/Image Credits

Jan 29, 2007 00:53

Journal Graphics
The Due South mood theme is by me and my layout is by milou_veronica. My icon tables are usually made with 77words's icon table generator.

Brush/Texture/Gradient Credits:
trapne, lunaloves, distractiions, tle_lovie69 @ trueasthenight, ennife, lemonpunch, kiho_chan, shalowater, yunhe, causefire, dissendiun, crazydelight, xxxfallsapartxx, lovelamp, rhcp_csi @ peak77, chaoticfae, innocent_lexys, phaantasia, ownthesunshine/coffeeforcloser, bubbles001, cielo_gris, basicbox, tove_91, elanordh, kissthegirl85, lookslikeicons, urbanstrokes, laes112, blimey_icons, discolore, _iconographer, wonderland__, adoralyna, dekolette, tihana, gothic_nyx, ch_photoshopped, butnotquite, 77words, inxsomniax, ewanism, alaskanicons, myrasis, xxestellaxx, and isiscaughey, for I made many of them myself.

Image Credits
The screen caps I use are from the following (and a great deal of thanks to those individuals who put the work in):

-A-Team: cyber_bard_
-Battlestar Galactica: Dark Thoughts, bsg caps, and Galacticabbs
-Beatles: beatlepics
-Bones: Screencap Paradise, _jennilou, Fox Bones Wiki
-Bowie/Labyrinth: bowie_daily, peacefully, and Moondust
-Buffy: Screencap Paradise, Leave Me the White, Emma-Jane caps
-Chuck:, Adam Baldwin Archives, Emma-Jane caps
-Comics: Comic Vine image galleries, the cap_ironman slashy moments list, Tony/Steve scans, and the various comic artist's websites
-Dead Like Me: _jennilou
-Doctor Who (and related actors): Ninth Doctor Screencaps, Twisting Time, Adventures in Time and Space, Leave Me The White, Doctor Who's Tragical History Tour, Christopher, and Caps by Emma-Jane.
-Dollhouse: The Gallery @ Eliza Web, _jennilou, Enver
-due South: Stormy's CKR & PG screencap archive, Due South Screencaps, pulsar4529, and icons_of_isis (me).
-Dylan: The Bob Dylan Picture Archive, dylanpics
-Firefly: Can't Take the Sky, Emma-Jane caps
-Hedwing & the Angry Inch: The Mad Capper
-Hellboy (the movies): newsie__nympho, megacaps
-Highlander: tes_fic, dj_capslock
-House, Jeeves & Wooster, and Hugh Laurie: vanyx @ house_md_caps, bluebear_74, _jennilou, weaselwoman13, falanyel_86, and Hugh
-Howl's Moving Castle: chesari
-Iron Man movieverse: Emma-Jane caps
-Leverage: Emma-Jane caps
-MacGyver: Richard Dean Anderson Official Website, RDA Forever
-Man from U.N.C.L.E.: Man from UNCLE Image Library
-Marx Brothers: Dr. Macro's
-The Mentalist: princesskiwi07's screencaps
-Merlin: Emma-Jane caps
-Monk: Monk DVD captures, _jennilou
-Monty Python: giventofly37, MP's Completely Useless Website
-NCIS: cassanlynx, denorios, xwavex, Blue Light French NCIS site, Team NCIS
-NCIS:LA NCIS: Los Angeles Gallery
-Numb3rs: _jennilou
-Pride & Prejudice ('95): Leave Me the White
-Princess Bride: ladynorbert, Leave Me the White
-Quantum Leap: Leapers's Haven, and Swiss Cheese
-Red Sox: Yahoo Sports, Red Sox Official Site, Boston Globe Website, and piney61, who finds so many of them and lets me use them
-Return to Oz: Fairuza
-The Sentinel: Starfox's Mansion
-Sherlock Holmes: The Jeremy Brett Archive
-Slings & Arrows: souncanadian @ view_paradise, icons_of_isis (me)
-Stargate: Gateworld, jackslashdaniel, Stargate caps, and the lovely folks at jd_daily.
-Star Trek: TrekCore
-Star Wars: Emma-Jane caps
-Stock images: NASA, Public Domain Pictures, The Boston Globe, Corbis, and Veer.
-Superman: Caped Wonder, _jennilou, Brandon Routh's site.
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: speakerboxxx.
-Xena: Angelbacchae's screen captures, The Xena Experience, Warrior Princess Net

!credits, !resources

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