These are awesome as usual, and I especially want to thank you for making icons of Sandy wearing the blue Kentucky t-shirt. I gave that to her on Saturday and she wore it for a good portion of the day. She told me Sunday morning that she was so glad that I had given that to her because her hotel room was so cold so everytime she went back to her room she was putting the shirt on. I gave one to Jared too, during breakfast.
I don't know if you saw any of the pics I posted from EyeCon, but if you want to make icons of any of them, I'd be honored. You make such gorgeous ones!
That would be awesome! My Jared pics are at . I love so many of them, so if you want to just pick out a couple of your favorites, that would rock! Thank you!!
But if there was one or two that you'd really like to see iconized, I could give that a try?
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