ConCrit Meme #03

May 14, 2015 11:29

At the request of amycles, here's the third concrit meme! Have fun!

- Anyone of any skill level may participate.
- Makers must submit a minimum of two icons per meme; there is no longer any maximum. Feel free to comment more than once with new icons throughout the fortnight to make the most out of the meme!
- All makers who submit icons for concrit must offer feedback for at least two other makers, with concrit for at least one of their icons. Hopefully you'll be inspired to offer more but that's the minimum requirement.
- Please feel free to promote the community, the meme, and your thread.
- If you have any questions regarding this meme, how it works, what to post, etc. please see the questions thread created specifically for this post.

- This meme will close on May 28, 2015 at which point a new meme will most likely open.
- Anonymous commenting is: ON. Please do not abuse it.

Community resources:
Page-A-Mod | Concrit Guides | FAQ | the "good concrit" Check List

activity: concrit meme

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