Officially open for business!

Mar 25, 2006 23:28

All right! I am officially open and ready to take requests! So that we all can start off on the right foot, I ask that you follow a few rules regarding requesting and/or using my icons:


It's really simple to request icons from me. All you have to do is reply to one of my posts asking me to make you some, and I'll do them as quickly as I can. Note that it may take some time before I can finish them, particularly if there are several user requests ahead of yours. I'll have a queue set up so everyone can keep track of the status of their icons.

Will I make you only one or two? Well, not really. When you make a request, you'll be asking for a theme, thus I have to ask you for a link to an image gallery for your requested theme. From there, I'll select images that I think will be most conducive to icon making. When I'm done, I'll post them. The requestor has the first shot at the icon(s) of their choice, then anyone can use them.

Please note that in order to keep things fair, requestors are only limited to one theme per request.

Images that I WILL NOT make into icons, under any circumstances:

*Any graphic or disturbing images ie sex, violence. NOTE: I will take requests for adult-themed icons; however they will be securely under a "NWS" lj-cut and may also be locked, either upon posting or a week after they are posted.


*NO VIOLENCE AGAINST ANIMALS. As an animal lover, I cannot consciously make icons that show them being harmed in any way, shape, or form.

*Nothing that violates the LiveJournal TOS.

Things that I may make into icons:

*Fanart. Only by special request and ONLY if it is your own personal work or you are using it with permission of the original artist. I don't condone stealing someone else's fanart for icons. Does it really hurt to ask for permission?

*As previously stated, adult-themed icons as long as they do not violate the prior rule established.

NOTE: The type/quality of icons created will depend greatly upon the software I am able to use. While I will try for a mixture of normal/animated icons, I can make no promises.

When you use icons created by me, the only favor I request is that you please credit me for my work, whether in the icon keywords or somewhere on your LJ. Also, refer people to me who are looking for icons. I'm always glad to help out! :)

Want to help keep this journal running? I'd greatly appreciate any aid that can be given! Right now, my biggest needs would be Paid Account time and additional storage space to help the icon collection keep a home. Until then, icon themes will only be up for a limited time, with older themes taken down as space needs require. If you see your request go down in the future, it doesn't mean I hate it; it just means my space needs are too great to keep it up.

Any other questions? Feel free to ask! Otherwise, it's time to take requests! :D
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