Round 1: Reminder

Jun 24, 2010 19:01

This is a friendly reminder for Round 1. You still have 3 more days to post your icons. :D

Thanks a lot to all who already entered.
I still need the icons from  emsenapricotsveaflighless,
insanityjones and  penelope_ziva.

If you still want to sign up or want to know with with show/couple... you've signed up, go here.
I know some of you are as busy as I'm with school and work but please comment here if you can't make it this round.

Please don't forget to comment HERE to get a participation banner ♥

Btw, I'm looking for a simple icons table to use for the voting. Any ideas where I can get a nice one?

Please don't forget to comment on entries!

xoxo, Katharina

!reminder, !mod post, !banners: request, !round 1

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