
Feb 24, 2009 22:00

I just found this preceding a fashion icons post:

"Fashion / Models / Celebrities ( Read more... )

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gunshou February 24 2009, 18:07:18 UTC
So today I had the audacity to post a mildly rambling story about my life on my blog, because that's what blogs are for sometimes, since I'm not a celebrity or a journalist paid to include articles of substance. And I thought I'd include some icons, since making graphics for use on a blogging site is my hobby, and I like to share them with other people who I've come to know through the online community, and who might care to read what I have to say. I know there will be people who don't care, but I'm pretty sure they can be trusted to skip over the personal stuff and click directly on the link to get to what they want, which is the pretty pictures. It's not like I'm including TMI details about my personal hygiene or medical history, like those annoying people talking on their cell phones on the bus. But be sure to check out where I've moved my icons, because that could be relevant to your interests.

( click the cut tag to get to what you want to see, like most people do )


elessar February 24 2009, 18:56:19 UTC
I don't know about everyone else, but I have separate journals. One for my fanfic, one for my icons, and one for my personal blathering. Rarely do I cross over into the other journals. If I'm posting to a community, I keep on topic. If I'm posting icons, I don't post my life story. If people want to read about what's going on in my life, they can add my personal journal. If they want icons, then they can add my icon journal. But I know that, regardless of LJ being a blogging site, people that want to read my fanfic or view my icons don't necessarily care what I ate for breakfast.

Now it's one thing if this occurred in someone's journal that is meant for both personal blogging and icons, but I presume that it was in an icon community which is not meant for that stuff and is pretty off topic and unnecessary.


gunshou February 24 2009, 19:15:43 UTC
I also have separate journals for separate aspects of my fandom life, but I don't think it's unreasonable to have a small digression on an icon post if it's in your own icon journal. If that were posted to a fandom community or contest, then the rant makes more sense. But it seems that it was posted on the person's normal journal ("Don't ask my why I didn't post this at my community cause I don't know").

Also, I missed where mild rambling about where icons can be found = LIFE STORY OMG. It's not like the person posted about their colonoscopy. The person posted about the graphics journal, ffs.

EDIT: Sorry; I read this comment over and it seemed unnecessarily harsh. I'm not attacking you. D:


blueymcphluey February 25 2009, 00:19:20 UTC
like elessar assumed, this was at an icon community, not the person's personal community/journal :/

and my main problem is that it reads like a train of thought ("Hmm... I'm thinking of having this as both personal/graphics journal. We'll see."). Like this person is just typing for typings sake, which is completely unnecessary in an icon community.


sidhex3 February 25 2009, 19:06:09 UTC
I'm thinking of having this as both personal/graphics journal.

you weren't exactly clear that this wasn't posted in the maker's journal....'cause the way the quote is written, it looks like it was posted in their own journal. if it was in an icon journal, i can only assume they c&p'd the original from their journal....for which i'd only fault them for being too lazy to edit the entry appropriately.


ginevragirl February 26 2009, 04:59:53 UTC
I post my icons at my personal journal, but all my non icon posts are f-locked, and I don't ramble on my icon posts. If I feel the need to ramble about something, I make sure to make it a friends only entry. It's simple enough to do. Lol.


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