So, for those of you not aware of my epic
computer issues, I've recently purchased a new computer. And you know how it goes, new computer, new monitor, and a completely different brightness/contrast/etc setting. So, I played around with some new icons and come up with these guys (nothing fancy, just stuff that I'm okay with the colouring of). Please let me know what you think - I realise that this is all pretty much an individual thing (you all have your own monitors and things will always look different to different people) but I'd appreciate the input :)
01-02 Katie McGrath
03-05 Kirsten Dunst
06-12 Chris Evans
13-13 Veronica Mars
14-16 Captain America
17-17 Iron Man
18-18 Robert Downey Jnr
19-19 Simon Baker
20-20 Pride & Prejudice
credit . comment . enjoy
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Remember, palooza is going on
HERE, the fest is going on
here, and
innocent_lexys is having a texture battle - sign ups
here. Oh, and I have a poll
HERE for you to help me decide what tv show/movie to icon next :)