I'm on the phone too much.

May 02, 2003 21:28

Sorry, Mom, if my cell phone bill is high this month. If it is, I'll pay you back as soon as I can. (For those of you not playing along at home, the cell is Mom's ongoing birthday/christmas gift to me, so that I'm less crazy.)

I spent a lot of today taking care of business. Nice to have it (kind of) done with, but stressful all the same. Not in much of a mood to write, but I know I need to get it out. I apologize for my ineloquence. I spent most of the morning on the phone with Victim's Assistance. Did you know it costs $65 to file a restraining order? I didn't. Did you know you're supposed to have someone's address? I didn't. I can (hopefully) work around these things, but it'll be a lot of effort. Need to go talk to Student Legal Services as well to see how much they can help me. Argh. I have a headache and it won't go away. Hmm... "won't go away" sounds familiar. Wonder if that's coincidence?

Sorry to everyone for being so down lately too... once I'm settled with a job and a routine, I'll feel much better, I swear. And if I repeat that often enough, I'm sure to believe it. I just hope that I can work this time instead of having all the crazy again. *sigh*

stalker, stress

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