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I wrote this awhile ago. It basically sums up the idea.
The bondage of human ignorance is breakable only when we stop being human. To know everything is to know nothing, and to see everything is to be blind. To know perfection is to embrace faults, and always realize that none of these can exist without the other. And when this happens, you shall find peace. For heaven isn’t eternally blissful, because heaven is this awareness. The awareness that Light cannot be without Dark, that Relief can not come before Pain. Your world is what you make it, you are who you are willing to become. Drop your contempts for everything that’s different than you are, and realize that this diversity made you who you are in the first place. And always remember that the most powerful force of all is love. For without that and compassion, there is nothing.
Just for laughs. :)
One Love. One Peace. One Harmony. One People.