
Sep 30, 2009 13:10

This is another random batch of things that have been sitting on my computer. :P I also tried my hand at manga coloring for a theskilltester challenge and I got carried away and made two more banners (I apparently fail at making anything icon-sized). :D

[16] random icons (Glee, Hana Yori Dango, Love Shuffle, Merlin) (may contain spoilers for Glee and Merlin)[03 ( Read more... )

-general: japanese, [tv] glee, [other] banner, -general: live-action, [tv] hana yori dango, [tv] merlin, [tv] love shuffle, -general: tv, [manga] yankee-kun to megane-chan, -general: book/comic/graphic novel

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Comments 10

ironside September 30 2009, 18:05:43 UTC
LOVE. ♥ Especially the Glee icons! I can't even pick a favourite out of those.


elizalavelle September 30 2009, 18:23:13 UTC
I really like 15, the texture below just makes that picture pop a little more :)


alfiri September 30 2009, 20:56:39 UTC
Glee, HYD and Merlin in one post?! Wow :D
Snagging 7 and 15, thank you!


doublechoco October 1 2009, 02:19:19 UTC
oh.. taking the usa and aiai one!!!
thanks for sharing.
i love love shuffle. YAY PANDA!!!


anglstrmoon October 1 2009, 02:27:40 UTC
Thanks for sharing. I'm snagging #1 - Glee.


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