a Sword Play picspam from Jodhaa-Akbar

Apr 11, 2009 21:11

This for the current challenge at picspammy: Scenes and Sequences. I decided to picspam one of my recent favorite scenes from Jodhaa-Akbar and if you check out the picspam, I think you can figure out why. ;)

I call this the Sexless Sex Scene because daaamn. She just put him through the Mughal-era equivalent of sleeping on the couch and, yet, he is realizing that he is falling head-over-heels in love with her. Together, they work out their (religious/cultural/personality) differences via a swordfight (they're pretty well-matched in terms of skill :D), during which he feels the need to quote Persian poetry to her in the name of love. The scene is totally hot and pretty and I was totally fangasming when I first saw this scene in the theater. :D

Thanks to chisakami/andrivete_icons for capping this scene so awesomely!

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-general: bollywood/indian, -general: live-action, -general: movie, [other] picspam, [movie] jodhaa-akbar

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