
Mar 30, 2008 21:57

First, bit of news: I apparently won Round Two of bolly_lims. Crazy? I KNOW! :D Anyway, I'm posting the icons that I made as well some "rejects"/alternatives that I considered submitting but didn't.

Also, I have some Interest icons for those of your who signed up. I have exactly half of them, in fact. Rest assured that the rest will be in the nest icon ( Read more... )

-general: movie, -general: stock, -general: music, -general: requests, [actor] shah rukh khan, -general: animation, -general: bollywood/indian, [other] icon requests/meme, -general: live-action, -general: tv, -general: actors/celebrities/people, -general: book/comic/graphic novel

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Comments 29

tailoredshirt March 31 2008, 03:12:09 UTC
Yay, those look awesome! Thank you! ♥


dharmavati March 31 2008, 03:25:35 UTC
You're welcome! Glad you like them! :D


ely_jan March 31 2008, 04:30:30 UTC
fantastic! thank you!


dharmavati March 31 2008, 04:54:06 UTC
You're welcome! :)


neo_valkyrie March 31 2008, 04:31:53 UTC
Oh I love the Bollywood icons. Does this mean you'll make more? :3 I just discovered your comm. Your icons are wicked cool. <3


dharmavati March 31 2008, 05:02:22 UTC
Thank you! Glad you liked them! I've made some other Bollywood icon batches here and here and I'll probably make more in the future, time- and muse-permitting, of course! :D


superwoman_c March 31 2008, 04:32:00 UTC
i like your ideas of the starbucks and gmail! loving #27 and #28! (:


dharmavati March 31 2008, 05:07:00 UTC
Haha, thanks! :D


enchantedteacup March 31 2008, 04:44:09 UTC
These are great! I like the coloring and the cropping, especially for the Bollywood icons. :)

♣ enchantedteacup


dharmavati March 31 2008, 05:08:35 UTC
Thank you! :D


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