nyquill the nighttime sneezing....all that medicine.

Oct 19, 2005 18:05

I'm all nyquilled up..and ready for midnight..I thought it was really late..now looking at the clock I see it's only six..Lost comes on tonight..I might be a little "lost" lol...since I didn't see last weeks episode due to extinuating life circumstances...I have a feeling i'm going to read this tomorrow and delete it....because if I am typing as stupid as I'm thinking..this may not even be funny..

I have a strange rash mark..burning thing on my arm..I just noticed it twenty minutes ago..I don't know what it is but it burns.. and is enflamed..bah..

I get to go back to work tomorrow..

I rescheduled my st ateboard just waiting for the new letter that says when I go to come in..I should have made some phonecalls today..but like I said I'm all nyquilled up..and something something..rather..yeah...
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