Texture Set #1, LOST Tutorial

Sep 16, 2008 19:42

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♣ enchantedteacup

LOST Icon Tutorial

Requested by _alyssia.

How to go from

(Created in Photoshop 7, uses selective coloring.)

Original screencap from Homeofthenutty.com.

First, you crop your image.

The first thing I notice is that the image is too dark. So I duplicate the layer and set it to Screen, opacity 80%.

To get some more color into it, I created a new selective coloring layer.

Cyan -100
Magenta +18
Yellow +16
Black 0

Cyan -100
Magenta +14
Yellow +17
Black 0

Cyan +100
Magenta -100
Yellow -100
Black +100

Cyan +18
Magenta -8
Yellow -8
Black 0

I still wanted the sky to be bluer, so I did some more selective coloring. Create a new selective coloring layer:

Cyan +100
Magenta -46
Yellow -46
Black +100

Cyan +42
Magenta -35
Yellow -34
Black +27

Now it looks a little bit brighter. To create a little more contrast, I duplicated the base, dragged it to the top, and set it to Soft Light, opacity 30%.

To make the colors more vivid, I did another layer of selective coloring:

Cyan -100
Magenta +15
Yellow +16
Black 0

Cyan +100
Magenta --41
Yellow -43
Black 0

Cyan +18
Magenta -12
Yellow -11
Black +12

Merge all (Ctrl+Shift+E).

I thought it looked too dark now, so I duplicated my merged layer and set it to Screen, opacity 50%.

You can probably stop there, but I added a texture on Multiply, opacity 50% to kind of fill up the empty space and neutralize the brightness/oversaturation.

Original icon can be found here.

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♣ enchantedteacup

resources: tutorial, resources: textures

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