Let's call this one practice. When I hit a creative wall for an on-going story, I like to write happy little one shots to keep me inspired. I consider these short stories practice because I use them as an oportunity to try new things and perfect what I already do. A warning, this is a nearly sickly sweet romance with just enough angst to make it interesting. It's also probably horribly edited because I have no one to beta for me. :( Oh, and it's slash, as in the main characters are gay. Yeah, I'm one of those.
Tyler was an easy going guy with plenty of friends. He wasn’t at the top of the social food chain, but he wasn’t at the bottom either. He was well known and generally well liked by most people. His life was pleasant and routine. He was the sort of person who never had a bad day, who could always be depended on o see the bright side of any situation. One day soon though, reality would smack him in the face.
He was eating lunch one leisurely Saturday with his friends at a local burger joint when he had his life altering epiphany. The four of them were sitting at their favorite table in the popular hang out when a boy named Jordan walked into the restaurant. Tyler paid him no great deal of attention and continued to enjoy his peaceful afternoon.
“Hey Jordan!” Sean called out. The other boy turned towards their group with a smile.
“Hey Sean, Carly, how’s it going?” He greeted. He shared a class or two with the couple and enjoyed making conversation with people he liked. They chatted about non sequential things while Tyler munched absently at his fries.
“Well, I should go. I’m getting lunch for my boss.” He announced with an eye roll. “See you guys latter. By Jenifer.”
With a wave, he left to order his food. Conversation returned to normal, for everyone except Tyler. He sat, food abandoned, gapping at the retreating figure with confusion.
“What’s wrong hun?” His sort-of girlfriend Jenifer asked. They had never officially started dating, they just sort-of were.
“Am I the only one who just saw that?” He asked in shock.
“What?” Carly asked, looking around the dining area. “What happened?”
Jordan just completely ignored me. He said hi to all of you, but not me.” He explained. Sean mimicked the look of confusion on Tyler’s face before he burst out laughing.
“Harsh man” He joked. Even the girls snickered.
“I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it.” Carly rationed.
“He looked each of you in the face and acknowledged you by name. I didn’t even get a nod!” He said exasperated “What’s his problem?”
“It’s okay Ty. I guess you just have to realize that not everybody likes you.” Tyler pouted at her words. “We love you though.” She quickly reassured.
“Yeah, like glue buddy.” Sean added.
“You love me like glue?” Tyler said, raising an eyebrow.
“No, I mean like together, we’re sticky like glue.” There was a moment of silence while they all absorbed the less than eloquent analogy. Carly snorted and they all burst out laughing. He joined in the mirth, but the incident continued to replay like a broken record in the back of his mind.
The rest of the weekend flew by and Monday crash landed into their lives. Tyler had decided to put the whole ‘Jordan Issue’ out of his mind for good. It hardly mattered if one person didn’t like him. He walked to school with a jaunty spring in his step, nodding and waving to people as he went. On his way to his locker, a variety of people called out greetings, all of which he returned enthusiastically. With as many people who seemed to like him, there was no reason to dwell on one person. His reassurance was short lived, however.
The bell rang and the crowded halls started to move as commuting student s made their way to their respective classrooms. Ty arrived early to biology, before most other students.
“Hey Tyler.” A voice said, causing him to look up from the books he was arranging. He recognized the person as Michael and gave him a friendly smile.
“Hey Mike, you finish that lab yet?” He asked. Michael rolled his eyes in an exaggerated fashion.
“Yeah, it was killer. I’m glad I got it out of the way though.” They shared a laugh before he took his seat. It was then that he noticed the person that had been standing behind him was Jordan. The boy had a stoic, almost frowning expression on his face. The smile evaporated from Tyler’s face. How was it possible he had never noticed the boy in his class before? Michael and Jordan were best friends, always together and the butt of many good natured jokes. It occurred to that Jordan had made a point to ignore him once again. When the second bell rang, he turned his attention to the lesson before him. Secretly, he held on to the hope that Jordan had simply not noticed him, as unlikely as it seemed.
When lunch started, Tyler and Jenifer found their usual secluded spot to eat.
“Something’s bugging you.” She commented but he brushed her off. “Seriously, I know that face. What’s on your mind?”
Tyler gave a relenting sigh and set down his turkey sandwich. “Jordan.” He said despondently.
“Are you still hung up about that? I’m sure it was an accident.” She said.
“That’s just it though. He did it again in biology this morning. I think he really doesn’t like me.” He sounded so distraught that Jenifer wrapped a comforting arm around his shoulder. As fate would have it, Jordan came around the corner.
“Hey Jordan!” She called out. When he saw the two of them his mouth hardened into a thin line.
“Hello Jenifer.” He said pleasantly before moving on. She was as surprised as Tyler had been Saturday.
“Wow, he actually doesn’t like you.”
“Why though?” Tyler whined. “Everybody likes me! Why does he hate me?”
“I’m sure he doesn’t hate you.” She said, rubbing his arm soothingly. “Why does it bother you so much?”
“I don’t know. I’ve just never had anybody at like that before.” He picked at his meal, suddenly having lost his appetite.
“Do you like him?” Jenifer asked cautiously. Tyler shot her an accusing glare. “I mean like, would you consider him a friend?”
“No, I guess not.” He said. “But I don’t not like him either. There’s no reason we couldn’t be friends.”
“I think you should just forget about it. So what if Jordan doesn’t like you? You’ve got so many other friends and we all love you.”
Tyler smiled at her words but it was short lived. For the rest of the day his usual perkiness was significantly reduced. He tried to rationalize why Jordan might not like him. He couldn’t remember anytime he had caused the boy a specific insult. He was always nice to everybody, priding himself on being so friendly.
Perturbed, he subjected himself to the torture of an older sister. After school, he knocked timidly on Sarah’s door.
“What do you want dweeb?” His older sister demanded, shutting her laptop.
“Why would somebody not like me?” He blurted out. Sarah gave him a blunt look.
“You have bad breath.” She said. Tyler looked paranoid and sniffed his breath.
“Really, I do?”
“I don’t know, probably.” She said.
“I’m serious Sarah. Usually everybody likes me. Can you think of any reason that somebody might…not?” Sarah rubbed her temple in an annoyed fashion.
“There are so many reasons, Tyler. You’re whiney, annoying, way to cheerful and a little full of yourself.” She explained. “Don’t forget bad breath.”
“I do not have bad breath!” He countered, blushing slightly. “Am I really all those things?”
“Yes, you are, and probably more too. That makes you you though, and I wouldn’t have my little brother any other way. What’s this all about?”
Bravely, Tyler slipped further into the room and sat on the edge of the bed.
“Nothing really,” He said, examining his socked feet. “There’s just this…person, who doesn’t seem to like me very much and I can’t figure out why.”
“It bothers you so much that you came to me about it?” She said.
“Forget it. I’m just being stupid.” He got up to leave but Sarah stopped him. What looked like concern filled her face.
“Tyler, I’m really glad you want to talk to me about this. For as much as I don’t like you, you’re my brother so I love me.” She consoled. He offered her a shy smile. “Why don’t you start from the beginning, okay?”
“Well, it started Saturday. I was having lunch with my friends when this guy Jordan walks in. He made a point to specifically ignore me.” Sarah looked skeptical but urged him to continue. “Then in biology he did it again. I didn’t even notice he was in my class!” Tyler looked exasperated while Sarah looked ready to laugh. “Finally, at lunch I was sitting with Jenifer and he completely ignored me, purposely, again! He really doesn’t like me!” He threw his hands into the air, very much the drama queen.
“That’s harsh, hun.” Sarah said. “So the guy doesn’t like you. What’s the big deal?”
“I don’t know! I’ve never noticed him before but now he’s being all bitchy and I have no idea why!” Sarah was practically choking on laughter but managed to hold back.
“You sound like a girl with a crush.” She chuckled.
“Sarah!” He cried.
“Sorry! It’s true though.” She took a moment to compose herself.”You said you’ve never noticed him before, right? Maybe that’s part of it. You’re friends with almost everyone, but not him. Maybe you did something to him without realizing it?”
“I doubt it. I’m an exceptionally good person Sarah. I never hurt anyone.”
“Maybe that’s it too. What if he thinks you’re too good or something?” Tyler huffed and crossed his arms. “Look, the best suggestion I can give you it talk to him about it, okay? Now scram.” Tyler scurried away but stopped at the door.
“Thanks sis.” He said before shutting the door.
The next day at school, Tyler decided to seek Jordan out. He caught sight of the brunette hurrying through the hallways.
“Jordan!” He called out, grasping him by his sleeve.
“What?” Jordan snapped.
“Um-“ Tyler momentarily lost his voice. “Can we talk?”
“What about?”
“Well, um, you see, I fell like there’s some tension between us, so I wanted to clear things up.” Tyler said.
“You think? Seriously, I’m surprised you even know my name.” Jordan scoffed.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You are so blind, aren’t you?” He yanked his sleeve away from Tyler. “Just leave me alone okay? I’m better off without you in my life.”
Jordan hurried off, leaving Tyler feeling like he had been stabbed in the chest. He could barley manage a smile until he saw his friends at lunch. They immediately honed in on his sour mood.
“What’s the matter hun?” Jenifer asked, laying her small hand over his. “You’re not still hung up about Jordan, are you?” He wished he could deny it, but he only managed a shrug.
“I can’t believe it! What’s this guy’s problem? You’ve never done anything to him and he’s treating you like crap!” Jenifer cried, angry suddenly. Seeing her best friend in such a mood was a rare and disturbing thing.
“I don’t know about that Jen. I don’t think I’m totally innocent. “He admitted.
“What do you mean?”
“I tried to talk to him and he told me I must be blind if I don’t get what’s bothering him. He’s right because I have no idea what he was talking about.”
“I could ask him for you. He doesn’t seem to have a problem with the rest of us-“
“No!” He interrupted. “That’ll just make it worse. I should know what’s wrong because it’s something I did. Apparently.”
“If you need to handle this on your own, I’ll let you.” She said apprehensively. “You have to deal with it though. I want perky Tyler back.” It was said jokingly but Tyler couldn’t crack a smile.
It was yet another day before Tyler had the opportunity to speak with Jordan again. His parents were concerned after seeing his bleak mood two days in a row. Sarah reassured them that it was nothing serious. He caught up to Jordan just before biology, his grip on the other boy’s arm fierce and unrelenting.
“Jordan. I’m sorry. Can we put this disagreement behind us?” He begged.
“You’re not sorry.” Jordan said. He held up his free hand to stop Tyler’s interruption. “You don’t even know what you did so you can’t be sorry.”
“Well tell me then so I can apologize properly and we can be friends.”
“That is just like you Tyler. God, you are so fake.” He cried angrily.
“I’m not fake.” The blonde countered, but sounded unsure.
“You think you’re so perfect, in your own little world with your perfect girlfriend and everybody loves you. Reality check, the world isn’t just a bowl of sunshine and smiles.”
“I don’t think that!” Tyler defended. “And Jenifer’s not really my girlfriend. Everybody just thinks that so we just sort of are.”
Something changed in Jordan’s face at that. His next words were less angry and more tired.
“Tyler, I have been in your classes since the sixth grade.” He said. The shock was visible on Tyler’s face. “I’ve literally watched you grow up and you don’t even know my last name, do you?”
Tyler tried to defend himself but realized that Jordan spoke the truth.
“Open your eyes a little Tyler. You’d be surprised what you see.” When Jordan left, he couldn’t help but notice how hurt the other boy looked.
When Jenifer caught up with him at lunch she was relieved to see he no longer looked so glum. He did appear to be in deep thought.
“There’s that face again.” She said, sitting beside him. “What’s on your mind now?”
“Just thinking about things.” He said, gazing across the yard. “Jenifer, are you happy?”
“Of course!” She scoffed. “My best friend is my boyfriend and I’ve got a University scholarship. What could be better?”
“Do you love me?” The question was so innocent, but it made her hesitate.
“Tyler you know how I fell about you.”
“Yeah, but are you in love with me? I mean we’re great as best friends but do you think that this relationship is real?”
“We sort of just happened didn’t we?” She said slowly.
“I know. It just seemed so right and everyone thought we were a couple anyway. I made sense, logically.”
“You’re right.” She said pensively. “Does this mean we’re breaking up?”
“I guess. You know we haven’t even kissed yet?” He said. That made her laugh.
“We really are a terrible couple, aren’t we? Still best friends though?”
“Of course.” He reassured.
Tyler was significantly happier the rest of the day. When he got home, however, he found himself once again outside Sarah’s door.
“What now dork?” she called.
“I want to talk to you because you always tell me the truth, right? You never sugar coat anything?”
“Absolutely. I pride myself on being painfully blunt. Spill.”
“Well, I talked to Jordan today and he said I was blind. He said that I was so caught up in my perfect little world that I’m missing a lot. Then I broke up with Jenifer.” He explained.
“You and Jen broke up? You two were so perfect together.”
“It was mutual. We’re best friends but nothing more. I think everybody just assumed we together, so we just sort-of were.” He explained. “You know, we never went on a real date. I didn’t even kiss her.”
“Sounds like you’re going through a lot.” She comforted.
“I am. I still don’t completely understand what Jordan meant, though, about me being blind.” He pondered. “Maybe he was talking about how I assume I’m such a good person and that everybody likes me so I don’t really see the way things really are.”
“You’re really good at this self therapy thing.” Sarah commented. “Remind me why you’re telling me all of this?”
“I still don’t know why it bothers Jordan so much.”
“Maybe he likes you.” She suggested. Tyler raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Not like that you little perve. I mean, maybe he always wanted to be your friend and you never gave him the time of day.”
“You have a point, sis.” He said, reflecting. “God, it makes me sound like such an ass.”
“Glad I could help. Now leave.” She was smiling though, and so was Tyler.
Thursday morning Tyler was back to his usual self, only slightly subdued. He still greeted people he knew enthusiastically but no longer had the undeserved feeling like he was on top of the world. He took a deep breath when he got to his locker, gathering his nerves. He had rehearsed an entire conversation with Jordan, but he was entirely prepared to improvise. Composed, he sought the other boy.
“Jordan!” He said and was met with an eye roll. “Jordan, listen. This time I really am sorry. I have been blind and also a total asshole. I don’t know you’re last name and I wish I did. I find that things are easier if you ignore the bad parts. My life really is fake at times. Oh, and I broke up with Jenifer.”
“You’re not a total asshole, only sometimes. Morgan, by the way, is my last name.” Jordan sighed. Tyler offered him a huge smile.
“Nice to finally meet you, Jordan Morgan. Can we be friends now?” He said in a desperate rush.
“We can try. I’m not promising anything, and I still think you’re really blind.”
Tyler was practically hyper by time lunch rolled around. His friends were incredibly relieved. He chattered away to his parents through dinner who were also greatly relieved to see him back to his usual self.
“So it worked out between you and Jordan?” Sarah asked while they washed dishes together.
“I guess. I apologized for being an ass and I’m pretty sure he forgave me.” He told her.
“So tell me, do you want him to like you because you need everybody to like you?”
“No! Well, sort of. I mean it’s nice when a lot of people like me but no one has ever treated me like that before. I think if he likes me, it means I’m actually worth liking.”
“Tyler, you are defiantly worth liking, don’t kid yourself about that.”
“Yeah, but how many people actually like me? Jordan told me that I’m fake and I think he may be right.”
“How are you fake?” Sarah asked, handing him a plate to dry.
“I’m always happy. Have you ever noticed that I practically never have a bad day? This Jordan issue is the first time I’ve been upset in a long time.”
“So you’re always happy? What’s wrong with that?”
“Normal people get sad once in awhile. I think the reason I don’t is because I ignore the bad. It’s okay not to let things affect me so much but I can’t just pretend they don’t exist.”
“Who are you and what did you do with my brother?” Sarah asked damp hands on her hips.”Seriously, you sound so mature and thoughtful. I’m starting to think you might actually be a human being.”
“Thanks for that.” Tyler said sarcastically.
Jenifer met Tyler at his locker Friday morning, glad to see he was smiling.
“So what are we doing this weekend?” he asked after digging out his books.
“Nothing; I’m going to visit my Aunt this weekend, remember?” She told him.
“That’s right. Crap, I forgot.” He mused. “Have you seen Sean yet this morning?”
“Somewhere. Carly drove them to school this morning.” She explained. Tyler nodded absently, scanning the hallways. He spotted Jordan and waved. Jenifer watched curiously as the other boy smiled shyly and waved back at her best friend. A thoughtful expression crossed her face.
“So are you friends now?” She asked.
“Hmm?” Tyler said, pulling his attention back to Jenifer.
“You and Jordan; are you friends now?” She repeated.
“Sort of. We’re not enemies anymore, that’s for sure.”
“Good. I was really starting to worry. Hey Amy!” She called out to another friend. “I’ve got to ask her something about math. I’ll see you at lunch?”
“Definitely.” He reassured, giving her a quick hug before she hurried off. He caught sight of Sean heading in the opposite direction. He quickly caught him before the bell rang.
“Hey Tyler, what’s up?”
“Nothing. Did you start that essay for Bodkin yet?”
“Hell no. I’m putting it off to the last possible minute.” He rationed. Tyler laughed at his friends inspiration methods.
“So what are we going to do this weekend?”
“Man, I can’t. Tonight’s date night with Carly.”
“Date night, what are you, forty?” Tyler laughed.
“Ha ha. Anyway, my sister has an out of town recital so I get to spend quality time with the family.”
“Great. I don’t know if I’ll be able to survive this cruel abandonment.” He joked. Sean pushed him playfully. The bell rang and they separated for class.
For the first time he remembered, Tyler was distracted in class. In history he contemplated less on the facts and more on the people affected. In English he thought more about the emotion put into the poetry rather than the structure of the words. It was an odd feeling, experiencing concern for complete strangers.
After the lunch bell rang, he found himself wandering aimlessly, delaying to meet with Jenifer. When he saw Jordan, he got an idea. Hurrying to catch up to the boy, he grabbed hold of his arm. Jordan turned to face him, startled.
“Oh, hey Tyler.” He said, some of the surprise still in his voice.
“How’s it going?” Tyler asked. He couldn’t shake the feeling of awkwardness whenever they spoke.
“Pretty good, I guess.” He shrugged.
“So do you have any plans for the weekend?”
“No, not really.” He said, confused as to why Tyler had pulled him aside so suddenly.
“Do you want to do something? We could hang out tonight if you’re free.”
“Sure.” Jordan said cautiously. Tyler let an excited grin overcome his face.
“Great! There are some new movies out for the weekend. How about we meet at the theater around eight?” He suggested.
“Sounds fine.” Jordan shrugged.
“Okay. Well, I gotta go now but I’ll see you tonight!” He walked away with an added bounce in his step, oblivious to Jordan’s expression.
Friday nights were almost chaotic in Tyler’s household. His father worked late and Sarah often had some form of social appointment. This left Tyler and his mother on their own for dinner. Tonight, he made quick work of a sandwich and shut himself in his room.
Going to the movies with Jordan seemed infinitely more nerve racking than any other outing with friends. He debated whether or not he should shower, what he would wear and even how to do his hair. He wanted it to seem like he put and effort into their friendship, but not as if he were trying too hard. Eventually he settled for a pair of comfortable jeans and a long sleeve tee-shirt sporting an indistinguishable graphic.
As he watched the minutes tick by, he wondered if he would be this nervous going on a date. He had to deal with making the right impression as well as the risk of messing things up completely. With very little experience in the romantic field he could only guess. Finally the clock indicated a time that wouldn’t be too early and he left, shooting off a hasty good bye to his lonesome mother.
It was five after eight by time he found a spot in the overcrowded parking lot. He forced himself to take several calming breaths, reassuring himself that everything would be fine. In his head ragged a fierce battle to decide which was worse; arriving early or five minutes late. The theater was crowded with the usual Friday night group. Gradually, the parent-and-child couples shifted to parties of teenagers. He couldn’t find Jordan anywhere.
“Hi.” A voice said behind him. Startled, he spun around to see Jordan standing sheepishly behind him. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s all right, I was distracted.” He said. “So how about I buy the tickets and you get the snacks?”
“Sounds like a plan.” Jordan said with a half smile. “What are we going to see?”
“Quarantine sounds like a good one.” Tyler suggested, stepping into line.
“Seriously? That one’s supposed to be really scary.” Jordan said, biting his lip.
“Is that a problem?” Tyler asked, genuinely concerned. “We can see something else if you want.”
“No, I can handle it.” Jordan blushed. It was Tyler’s turn to bite his lip when he noticed how the color complimented Jordan’s features.
“Two for Quarantine, please.” He said to the girl behind the counter. She handed them their tickets and they joined the snack line.
“What do you want?” Jordan asked.
“Whatever’s fine. You’re buying.” Tyler smiled.
“Do you just want to share a big one then?” He suggested, scratching the back of his head nervously.
“Sure.” Tyler agreed, distracted by the colorful candy display.
“One large popcorn and two cokes.” He heard Jordan say. Together they made their way to theater number three and found their seats right in the middle. Half the popcorn was gone by time the previews ended.
“This isn’t scary at all.” Tyler whispered, ten minutes in.
“That’s because nothing’s happened yet.” Jordan whispered back. Tyler reached for popcorn at the same time as him and their hands bumped.
“Sorry.” They said together. Tyler chuckled and Jordan blushed again, but the theater was to dark to tell.
“Something scary is going to happen soon.” Tyler commented as the on-screen characters approached a creepy looking apartment building.
“You think?” Jordan joked. “It all starts when they walk into the sketchy building.”
Tyler leaned forward in his seat, taught with anticipation. Jordan slunk backwards, prepared to cover his face at any moment. Several timed throughout the movie he grabbed hold of Tyler’s arm, shielding himself. The occasional shriek echoed through the theater from a patron who just couldn’t hold back.
“Sorry for grabbing you like that.”Jordan apologized when they left, eyes on his shoes.
“No problem, you can grab me anytime.” Tyler reassured. There was a moment of silence. “That didn’t come out right.” He defended. They stepped out into the brisk chill of the night.
“How did you get here?” Tyler asked.
“I walked.”
“Do you want a ride home?”
“It’s all right; I only live a few blocks from here.” Truthfully he needed time to rid himself of nearly overwhelming embarrassment. Spending more time with the other boy in close quarters would not help the situation.
“Come on, it’s not out of my way. Besides, it’s cold out.” Tyler urged. Jordan bit his lip again in a way that Tyler was surprised to realize he found endearing, but finally relented.
“This is more than a couple of blocks.” Tyler commented after he had been driving for nearly ten minutes.
“More like a couple country blocks, then.” Jordan tried to explain. Tyler chuckled in good humor and turned where he was instructed. When they arrived at Jordan’s house, he lingered in the passenger seat.
“Do you want to come in?” He offered. “My parents are gone for the weekend.”
“Sure.” Tyler said, ignoring the nervous twitch in his stomach. Jordan led them into a charming bungalow home and to his room at the back.
“This is a nice room.” Tyler complimented, sitting on the bed.
“Thanks.” Jordan responded. He fiddled with his stereo to find a decent radio station. When he joined Tyler on the bed, he made sure to leave at least a foot of space between them.
“Jordan, what did you mean when you said you thought I was blind?” Tyler asked. Jordan looked up at him, mouth slightly ajar. “I mean I get that I’m pretty fake and I totally ignored you for like six years, but you said you thought I was still blind. Why?”
“You know how I said we’d been in the same classes since the sixth grade?” He started, picking at a hole in his bed spread. “Well, you never paid any attention to me, no matter what I did.”
“I know, and I’m sorry, but why does that make me blind?” Tyler asked.
“I liked you, Tyler.” Jordan said in a hurry. “Like I liked you.”
“You- oh.” Tyler said, realization dawning on him. “Really?”
“Yeah.” Jordan said slowly, yet another blush creeping across his face.
“Wow. I never had any idea.” He scoffed. “Wait; so you liked me, in like a gay way?” Jordan nodded, embarrassed and afraid.
“Huh.” Tyler said, leaning back on his hands. That was honestly the last thing he had expected.
“That’s it? I confess to having a gay crush on you and all you can say is huh? You’re not disgusted or angry or- something?”
“Should I be?” Tyler asked, his brow furrowed.
“Usually. I mean that’s not generally the sort of thing most guys would just let roll off their shoulders.”
“I’m surprised, I’ll give you that.” Tyler confessed. “I mean, I’ve never had another guy admit to having a crush on me before. I probably should have noticed, though, shouldn’t have I?”
“I can’t believe his anymore.” Jordan said, starting to laugh. “I told you I liked you, I still like you and you’re just surprised you never noticed?”
“Yeah,” Tyler shrugged. “I mean six years is a long time. You must think I’m pretty terrible.”
“This is ridiculous.” Jordan muttered.
“Wait, did you say you still liked me?” Jordan stopped laughing and turned to stare at Tyler. They held a silent stand off for nearly a minute.
“What would you do if I kissed you right now?” He whispered.
“I- I don’t know.” Tyler whispered back. The look in his friend’s eye was all too serious. Torturously slow, Jordan leaned forward until they were a breath apart.
“Let’s find out.”