LOVEN Supernatural!

Nov 15, 2006 20:59

Ok... so how sad is it that I have not even written her in over a year! I've definetly been here... just not written...

Ok... so... I have no pics or icons to share... but I thought I'd post anyway.

I am only just now getting into Supernatural. I bought the first season just a few weeks ago. My friend and I watch one episode every other day.

On Monday, my friend and I watched Phantom Travler. Omg... so far that one is my favorite episode! I just love all the cute and funny faces that Dean makes. My favorite part... well... two favorite parts was when Dean got excited about his busted up walk-man, "It's homemade!" He looks like a little kid who just accomplished something huge. And then of course... who couldn't love all the faces the Dean makes while telling Sam how much he hates to fly. SSSOOO adorible!!!!

I also have the tendcy to miss the new episodes for season two... so my friend and I watched that episode today. This episode just made me fall even more in love with the show because the writing is SSSOOO damned witty!!! I mean... I could never think up such funny shit! I think my fav part in the last episode ("The Usual Suspect") when Dean writes that note to Sam to tell him to get out of the police station. On the note he writes "Hilts, McQueeen" I would have NEVER thought to do something like that! THAT IS SO FREAKING CLEVER!

Oh oh oh!!! And who caught the Linda Blair/Exorcist reference at the VERY end!?!?!? FREAKING CLASSIC!!! ^-^

Aspiring to be a writer and all... I would LOVE to write like that!!!

Ok... so those are my thoughts on everything... so far.

Also... want to say thanks to extremefangirl for all the BEAUTIFUL pics!!!! Thanks for all your hard work with the two hottest guys... EVER!!! ^-^
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